Thin, recovered bulimic. Is it possible to firm up sagging flesh and excessive cellulite?

Hi guys! I'm a 20 year old girl who has 5 year history of interchanging eating disorders and BDD. For a few years it seemed I could go from frail and skeletal to thick and curvy with ease and little to no repercussion, but after years of bodily abuse I am left thin with hanging skin, cellulite, and deep hollowed-out stretch marks. I've been very depressed as it has also ruined my complexion, face, and neck that I have to address with surgery now.

You guys are experts in the world of fitness, can you reassure me that with a pure and honest diet and daily workouts I can restore my body to something reflecting of good health? I just recently began gym-going, but I will admit it's intimidating and I feel very unwelcomed due to my anxiety. I really don't understand most of the equipment and I'm still very weak.

I can email anyone pictures if they'd need to assess the situation before giving me advice, but mostly I'd like to know if anyone else has contoured their body post skin sag. I'm so desperate to be able to wear summer clothes again. It gets really uncomfortable being in pants and long-sleeves.

Random information?
Diet: Vegan, a lot of rice, salads, soy protein, nuts, and fiber
Current routine: 1 hr and 30 mins at gym 4-5 times a week. I usually do the elliptical, the weighted leg pushing thing, and one of the weighted arm/core machines that old women chase me off of unless I go at 2 am (I really only understand maybe 4 machines and am too afraid to sit down on something I don't understand because people do stare :cry: )

Ahh, anyway... just need support, advice, or a friend? I apologize for my sentence structure, btw. :worried:


  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Talk to your doctor, at 20 I would say your chances are very good, if you can stay at a healthy weight and eat enough good protein and other nutrients to let your body recover. It sounds like you are still battling depression and anxiety, so you may well see yourself differently than others do (your flaws may be magnified in your head).

    If you've somehow managed to blow your skin's elasticity, then it won't bounce well, but as you are very young I do not think you could have given it much time yet? Keep working out, keep eating well, lots of hydration, work with your medical team on nutrition, re-evaluate once you have good muscle tone.

    Really, it kind of doesn't matter since the actions you need to take are the same no matter what the end results will be - eat a nourishing diet and work out to build up healthy muscle to fill out your body and improve its composition.

    After my fourth pregnancy, it took two or three years for the skin to finish shrinking back. It did not bounce completely like with the first 3, but did continue to improve over quite a long time.
  • tashantx
    tashantx Posts: 272 Member
    I've abused my body a lot . Plus had 3 kids , yo-yo weight has caused me to have similar issues. From what I've seen it gets way better. My lower stomach is still pretty saggy along with my inner thighs and I have a small arm flap but it gets so much better it really does. I'm definitely no expert in the weight room. When I was really confused my gym has the little bar codes on some of the equipment that you can scan and it shows you a video on how to properly use it. I've also had people show me things I was doing wrong . Being approachable isn't my strong suit but apparently I was doing it wrong enough to warrant help. Lol. Lifting has made me feel like a brand new person. I think you'll do great. As far as the weakness goes I'd say maybe try to lift first and do a bit of cardiovascular stuff after. If you use all your energy before you hit the weights it can cause weakness. If you can watch people watch videos on YouTube and walk into the gym with a little planned routine. It helps me to do that. I'm excited to watch you flourish here. Congrats on working towards a healthy you.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Lifting weights helps tremendously with loose skin. I lost my weight very quickly without meaning too and at my age, over 40, the skin doesn't bounce back like it used too. So I got myself on a good 6-day a week weight lifting routine. I lift very heavy, I wouldn't suggest that right from the start, but start out light like every other day and do just the basics :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,920 Member
    The TRUTH is there is nothing you can do for stretch marks but camouflage them or let time reduce their appearance on their own (they are scars). Cellulite is genetic. Since you're already thin, then it is what it is. Loose skin MAY retract (give it 2 years) and it MAY NOT. Adding lean muscle will help a little to fill you back out and reduce the appearance, but that depends on how much loose skin you have.
    Are you seeing a specialist or therapist to discuss your past issues or to help with anxiety?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    First, congrats on your recovery. It's a long road and I've been there too. 20 years of various eating disorders (anorexia and then binging and purging through exercise and restriction) and two kids had my weight ranging anywhere from 110 to 170 in my adult life. I think that weight lifting could definitely help you, although, I think weight lifting is can solve any problem ;). Check out this article - it might answer some of your questions. I'm at a very low body fat percentage right now with a decent amount of muscle, but I still have cellulite on my *kitten*!! Annoying! I plan on bulking for the sole purpose of building my glutes to see if that will stretch that skin, so to speak. We'll see! Best of luck to you.