Eating 1200 calories but no weight loss. HELP!?



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I wasn't logging dinner for a time and found I was going way over my calorie goal for the day.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Looking at your food diary there are days where you don't log at all and others where you don't finish logging. You need to start weighing and logging all the food you eat to see exactly how much you're eating. My guess is you're eating more than you think.

  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    edited August 2016
    RobD520 wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    Isn't 105lbs under weight given your height?

    You should be weighing everything. You're eating more than you think.
    I used to stay around there about three years ago. I'm 21. If it's too low then I wouldn't mind staying around 110-115.
    Everything? I need a new scale then :(

    Your BMI is in the normal range at the moment. Your goal of 105 is a BMI of 18, which is "underweight".

    You goals are your business; but weight loss is slow when you are not heavy.

    bmi is not accurate and not everyone looks the same at the same weight. put those stats into mybodygallery and you will see for yourself
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    RobD520 wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    Isn't 105lbs under weight given your height?

    You should be weighing everything. You're eating more than you think.
    I used to stay around there about three years ago. I'm 21. If it's too low then I wouldn't mind staying around 110-115.
    Everything? I need a new scale then :(

    Your BMI is in the normal range at the moment. Your goal of 105 is a BMI of 18, which is "underweight".

    You goals are your business; but weight loss is slow when you are not heavy.

    Her goals are her business but mfp guidelines clearly state that unhealthy weight loss should not be promoted. A goal weight that is underweight is unhealthy.

    While on the whole BMI is a good guide me and my flatmate at the same height but entirely different shapes. For starters her boobs weigh about half a stone more than mine so it does depend on your personal body shape as to how low is safe for you to go in terms of weight. Not everyone fits into the nice neat health promotion created box.
    That said I'd generally aim for the 'healthy' bmi minimum and see how you look/feel before going lower.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    Looking at your food diary there are days where you don't log at all and others where you don't finish logging. You need to start weighing and logging all the food you eat to see exactly how much you're eating. My guess is you're eating more than you think.
    This. You have to weigh every thing you eat, no just meat and veggies. Weigh everything that isn't a pure liquid. Weigh peanut butter, cooking oils, cereal, pasta, rice, soup, salad dressings...everything. Weigh pre-packaged food, too.

    Choose accurate database entries. Log everything all the time.
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    cee134 wrote: »
    What kind of exercise? Open your diary if you really want people to help.

    You many not be logging calories your eating that you are unaware of. Cooking oils, sugars, alcohol, drinks are common surprise calories.
    I believe sugar is my problem.

    Unless you are eating sugar (found in veggies, fruit, dairy, grains, candy, etc. ) and you are not logging it....then sugar is not the issue.

    Calories are calories. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eating "clean" is irrelevant. These things may help you stay consistent. These things may be more nutritious, but they won't stop you from losing.

    Being very close to goal means weight loss will be very slow. Expect (maybe) 1/2 pound a week. Water weight can mess with the scale. Unless you have been stalled for several weeks (I had a 5 week "plateau" once ).....but I wasn't weighing all my food on a scale....logging or water weight are the most likely suspects.

  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm 5"2 133lb, haven't needed to weigh anything except rice. I find I need to up my excercise to sweat. Sometimes eating more one day a week has helped me. If u over exercise and under eat sometimes u don't lose weight. Also lots of water and fibre. My diary is public too. Currently losing 1lb per week.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Also strength training eg push-ups instead of lots of cardio helps me look less flabby...still working on it
  • Errilan
    Errilan Posts: 10 Member
    I began weighing EVERYTHING today and I was about 300 calories under the truth.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Errilan wrote: »
    I began weighing EVERYTHING today and I was about 300 calories under the truth.

    There you go! Dropping to 5 meals would probably fix that.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Happy to see you have the calories sorted. :)

    You may want to try lifting some weights to help in muscle retention and reshape your body so you will feel better a your revised goal weight.

    Cheers, h.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm 5"2 133lb, haven't needed to weigh anything except rice. I find I need to up my excercise to sweat. Sometimes eating more one day a week has helped me. If u over exercise and under eat sometimes u don't lose weight. Also lots of water and fibre. My diary is public too. Currently losing 1lb per week.

    Please tell me that was a typo!!!
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    SadDolt wrote: »
    RobD520 wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    Errilan wrote: »
    How tall are you?

    Do you weigh everything you eat?
    I am 5' 4. I weigh my veggies and meat. :)

    Isn't 105lbs under weight given your height?

    You should be weighing everything. You're eating more than you think.
    I used to stay around there about three years ago. I'm 21. If it's too low then I wouldn't mind staying around 110-115.
    Everything? I need a new scale then :(

    Your BMI is in the normal range at the moment. Your goal of 105 is a BMI of 18, which is "underweight".

    You goals are your business; but weight loss is slow when you are not heavy.

    bmi is not accurate and not everyone looks the same at the same weight.

    All BMI is, is a sliding scale of weights at corresponding heights least and most statistically associated with illness.

    There is evidence to suggest there are some people who are in the overweight (or in more extreme cases obese) scale don't belong there statistically due to high muscle mass ...though these people know who they are as it's pretty obvious and they are a minority.

    But there is not much in the way of evidence to suggest it is not a good indicator of health for the underweight. In short, you should try not to be in the underweight section of the BMI scale because it does statistically increase your chance of certain illnesses. Since OP is aiming to get into the underweight section your rhetoric that it is not accurate is not relevant.

    it's not just people with muscle mass. according to bmi 140 would be a healthy weight for me but at 150 i was still very overweight. people should stop acting like they're doctors