Previous Weight Watcher, now Pregnant!

JLN85 Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I am used to tracking every single thing I eat and drink! But WW doesn't recommend using their program if you become pregnant. So, I cancelled my membership when I found out! Now I am 21 weeks along almost and gained too much weight for my liking. The doctor recommended this app to help me "track" my calories to better manage weight gain. I'm on day 2 and I'm loving it so far! <3


  • Erika2011MaBelleFille
    Congrats! I found that keeping a food journal definatly helps in weight management. If you don't want to write down what you ate because it's unhealthy, then don't eat it lol. With a pregnancy though, don't be tough on yourself; allow room for some indulgence.
    To conclude, lol, Welcome to MFP, I've been using it for years on and off and recently started using it again to track my nutrient intake because my blood tests showed slight anemia, which I'mworking on it. This application is useful in so many ways. Including finding great people who may share similar goals.