Late supper=weighing more in morning?

I've always weighed myself in the morning but lately have found my weight stalling. But then the last 2 days I've also weighed myself at night and I weigh less! Could having a late supper (8-9pm) be the cause of this? I eat late because my husband doesn't get home till late.

When I weigh myself in the morning it's always after I pee and before I eat or drink anything.


  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I do 16:8 eating schedule so all of my calories are consumed between 2-10pm most days. I always weigh more in the morning than I do around noon
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    When you weigh in at night is it before or after dinner?

    A late dinner, or a high volume dinner could have an effect on your weigh-in, especially if you down have a bowel movement first.