Is their anyone that weighs 300 pounds out there?



  • slaymoore
    slaymoore Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Super awesome kudos to all of us!!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    My doctor wants me moving more, I bought a Fitbit and didn't realize how much I don't move. I have a friend that goes to the gym daily. I am thinking I should go and use the recumbent bike and treadmill. I doubt I would last very long but I could stop and rest I guess. I am 59 but doctor said I am fine to exercise

    Sounds like a good plan :) Please be careful not to push yourself too hard when you're just getting started. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I started at a lower weight than you did, but have bad knees - official diagnosis is "pain with activity." I started out walking 20 minutes and slowly worked my way up to 75 minutes plus hills.

    I prefer to get my cardio outdoors. Pavement is too hard on my knees - trails in the woods are perfect. I have Asics Gel which my orthopedic surgeon brother-in-law said were a good choice.

    I also try to not sit for too long. Sometimes I am purposefully inefficient. For example, instead of taking out the trash and recyclables and picking up the mail in one trip, I will make three. Having a tiny bladder and drinking lots of fluid helps with this as well :dizzy:

    How are you doing with your FitBit? Mine has certainly encouraged me to be more active.
  • christareid28
    christareid28 Posts: 47 Member
    Everyone is great, a couple of weeks ago I hired a trainier and want a big mustang I couldn't walk for 4 days he about killed me.
    I love my Fitbit but I am not moving much 2000 steps is a good day. I live in the country so I have all kinds of places to walk. Not sure what my problem is I rather take a nap. I am working on that
  • danishadow
    danishadow Posts: 3 Member
    Do u have a friend or coworker that you see daily? Ask that person if they will go for a short walk with you. Be brutally honest with that person about what u want to achieve. After talking with my coworker we found that we both have the same goals. She is more consistent and disciplined when it comes to exercise so it really helps me with accountability. It took 30 to 45 days but I look forward to our walks now. I go on my own when she is not able and I feel cheated when I don't get to walk.

    If I can help with accountability in anyway please reach out to me and I will do my best to help.

    I don't have all the answers but I have been trying to lose with all the wrong ways since I was 12. I will be 46 in two weeks and I am confident this is my last birthday over 300 pounds!!!!

    Stay strong.
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    edited August 2016
    I started at 350 and am now at 290, but to be honest while I try to get more steps in everyday, I haven't really started an exercise program just yet. For losing weight, the nutrition is the most important thing. Exercise helps make you healthier (and also allows you to eat more) but you cannot out-exercise a terrible diet.

    And while folks should strive to do both together for optimal health, lowering our weights will hopefully allow us to move more.
  • Madelinec117
    Madelinec117 Posts: 210 Member
    Lots of good advice. I only have one suggestion to add - tracking the progress helps. If it's walking, tracking the steps and amount of time each day. and try for just a small increase each day. I ride a stationary bike everyday and find it very rewarding to see the increase in time and miles on my chart. I started only doing 20 minutes a day and am already up to 50 minutes by slowly increasing the time and intensity each day or every few days depending on how I am progressing.
  • becky53012
    becky53012 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I've found walking to be an amazing energy boost for me. Sometimes I walk on a bike path close to my house. I'll listen to techno- it keeps my pace up. If the weather is crummy or I don't want to take the kids, I'll do leslie sansone. She has a variety of videos that are great for beginners :) I started at 314 and am currently 270, HW 332. Keep at it! Just start somewhere, even 15 minutes a day, get your HR up! You will feel empowered and stronger physically and mentally! Good luck on your journey ♡
  • lovely_curves
    lovely_curves Posts: 11 Member
    My sophomore year of high school I was over 300 lbs. I started eating right, drinking water, and doing at home walking videos. I lost 125 lbs in a year. Granted, now I'm up to 317 and I'm starting this journey over. But walking is a great place to start. Like a few others have said, start slow. Just get moving more. Build it up slowly and ar YOUR pace. Feel free to friend/follow me!