Addicted to food!

slovesj13 Posts: 5 Member
I think I need an intervention! I totally identify with addicts on shows about drug and alcohol addiction. My poison? Sugar, particularly in the form of chocolate. I say all the same things the addicts say. I want to stop. I know how bad it is for my body. I know what is does and health problems I'm facing if I don't stop it. But oh, when I get my hands on some chocolate it feels so good going down. I can stop any time I want...but I don't. Go a day without chocolates or brownies? Sure... until the afternoon or after dinner and then the craving hits. If I don't have any of the good stuff I'll settle for whipping up some butter or worse margarine with powdered sugar and cocoa and eat it by the spoonful!!! What do I do? Quit cold turkey? Allow myself one serving sizes treat per day? I'm addicted!


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Your thread says addicted to food, but then it says you are more addicted to chocolate/sugar.. so with that in mind, could you be low in magnesium by chance? Have you had any blood work done lately?

    I would say that eating whipped butter with powdered sugar and cocoa would be quite alarming to my family if they saw me do this.

    This sounds quite extreme to me and may warrant a need to see a doctor to make sure you are not deficient in something that causes such cravings and behaviors. Not much help I know, but think about why you are doing this and is it real cravings, behavior related (like bingeing due to restriction in your diet, eating too low of calories per day), etc.. This should clue you in on where and what you need to do.
  • slovesj13
    slovesj13 Posts: 5 Member
    Hmm, hadn't thought of that before. I just gave birth 4 months ago and was anemic while pregnant so I had blood work but I'm pretty sure they didn't check magnesium. Why I do this? Because chocolate is the best tasting food in the world!!! I don't think my calories are too restricted. I eat fairly well balanced diet other wise. Fresh lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains. Just sometimes, I'm not feeling it with the veggies. I've always been picky with them and it's taken a long time and a lot of mentally preparing myself to eat a wider variety of them. Even then I have to smother them in seasonings, dressings etc to make them palatable.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    slovesj13 wrote: »
    I think I need an intervention! I totally identify with addicts on shows about drug and alcohol addiction. My poison? Sugar, particularly in the form of chocolate. I say all the same things the addicts say. I want to stop. I know how bad it is for my body. I know what is does and health problems I'm facing if I don't stop it. But oh, when I get my hands on some chocolate it feels so good going down. I can stop any time I want...but I don't. Go a day without chocolates or brownies? Sure... until the afternoon or after dinner and then the craving hits. If I don't have any of the good stuff I'll settle for whipping up some butter or worse margarine with powdered sugar and cocoa and eat it by the spoonful!!! What do I do? Quit cold turkey? Allow myself one serving sizes treat per day? I'm addicted!

    Quit cold turkey, do it for a week and you won't even crave it anymore. The problem with most addictions are the psychological barriers, the routine, the belied you need something. Once you break down these walls through abstinence it becomes a lot easier. In the mean time, replace your sugar intake with alternatives, I found 2-3 oranges a day to be helpful.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Just to elaborate on the above, whilst fruit has sugar in it, it could ease some of your cravings for the packaged stuff
  • Eresally
    Eresally Posts: 5 Member
    Well they say that sugar is as addictive as heroin. I agree. I mean they put sugar in everything. You may have to try and not have those foods in the house. My addiction is cheese and potato crisps. Even if i say im going to have a little I can never control myself.
  • slovesj13
    slovesj13 Posts: 5 Member
    Same here. If there is any chocolate in the house it doesn't last long! I can refrain from chips and soda and other junk... I've had the same container of strawberry ice cream in the freezer for the last 6 months and haven't touched it. Chocolate on the other hand... I inhale it!