Want to learn about Intermittent Fasting

So I have only recently in the last few days learned about something called intermittent fasting I'm intrigued especially on the 16:8 schedule I'm subscribed to a channel on YouTube where the guy talked about it briefly but I want to learn more can anyone enlighten me on the subject or share personal experiences with it especially on the 16:8 schedule like when to work out when you have your biggest meal etc?


  • pawfectly
    pawfectly Posts: 35 Member
    When it comes to meals, I think it's a matter of self - preference. You could have a big meal with a healthy snack in the 8 hour window or go with the six meals plan and still lose weight, given that you consume within your calorie goal. In the end, it's just CICO. As for working out, it depends on how much energy you have. Some people prefer working out while they are fasting while others work out after breaking the fast.

    If you're interested in learning more about IF, you could check out the group they have on here!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Here is a group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/49-intermittent-fasting
    Meals and working out times vary. It seems that it would be hard to work out after a big meal.
    Better perhaps to eat after working out.
    Or have a snack before working out as long as both the meal and the snack fit into your 8 hour window.
  • nikkitimkitembo89
    nikkitimkitembo89 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks guys