These stories made me so sad.


I can identify with some of the comments on here. I am feeling realy bad about myself becuase of my health problems and recent wieght problems becuase Ive tried my best and had no success. Im feeling realy shut down but not ready to just give up. But I cnat stand myself.the extra weight is so uncomfortable and adds to how bad Im already feeling about myself and my situation. sometimes it motivates me to keep trying other times it makes me want to do nothing and resign to my fate.

and it makes me so sad that there is so much abuse of peopel with weight issues. its bad enough if a person doenst liek themselves, but other people can make it worse with abuse. :(


  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Hating yourself for things you would never hate others for -trying to lose weight and not succeeding yet- will make you crazy.
    Being fat from overeating or underexercising, is no worse than any other human weakness, it's only different because we can't hide it, the way people can hide smoking or drinking or drug-taking or cheating on their wives or husbands or taxes.
    And sometimes it's not even a diet/exercise thing. It may be medical -lipoedema, lymphoedema, hypothyroidism, etc.
    Be as kind to yourself as you want others to be to you, as you would be to other overweight people.
    As for the bullies: pity them for the sad pointless lives they must lead, if hurting people is their hobby.

  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    If you really identify with that blogger - and I think most of us do to some extent - I'd recommend reading The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff. It's a great book about why diets fail, and the self-destructive thoughts and behaviors that lead many of us to keep trying the same kind of thing that failed in the past. I think it's one of a few books almost every dieter should read, particularly serial dieters.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    If you really identify with that blogger - and I think most of us do to some extent - I'd recommend reading The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff. It's a great book about why diets fail, and the self-destructive thoughts and behaviors that lead many of us to keep trying the same kind of thing that failed in the past. I think it's one of a few books almost every dieter should read, particularly serial dieters.

    I heartily second the recommendation. It's one of the three diet books I recommend. The others are John Walker's free ebook The Hacker's Diet and Richard Watson's The Philosopher's Diet. I like Walker because he sets guilt aside and approaches weight loss as an engineering and management problem. And Watson's book really isn't about dieting at all; it's about the discipline required to succeed at something hard.