Emergency Contact Info Visability

My mom always taught us to make sure we had some form of identification on our person so that in the event of an emergency, we could be easily identified. This very practical idea has been taken a step further by RoadID (see URL below). I have one and you can customize by putting what ever info you need. I put my name, my husband's cell and two parents info on it. Any one can benefit from these. I even take mine with me when I go camping, backpacking, hiking, skiing, cycling, jogging etc.



  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    Great! Thanks for sharing!!! They also have washable tattoos now (you fill in the info) for children when you are going to adventure parks, fairs, etc in case they get lost. I keep an emergency binder on hand with me at all times (1 in the car and 1 in the house) with finger prints, hair samples, pictures...everything I could ever need in case of an emergency when it comes to my kids). My best friend was kidnapped and murdered and we learned that lesson the hard way...although in her case it was not preventable, unfortunately. But this product you posted, looks terrific! Love it!!! Especially for someone who may have special needs, diabetic, etc...
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing this!!
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I checked out the website...looks like a valuable device for those who pursue physical activities where they wouldn't normally carry their wallet.

    One other thing that Emergency Responders do is check cell phones. There is another solution floating around called "ICE"--In Case of Emergency." What you do is save your contacts numbers in your cell phone, which you probably already do anyway, and use the prefix ICE ahead of their name. A responder can quickly go to that entry and call your contacts. It doesn't provide as much info as the roadid does, but it would certainly be helpful if someone couldn't speak for themselves.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Thanks for this site! I bought a construction worker's neon reflective vest for walking and biking, once a road crew tried to get me to whack weeds with them!! And I always carry my ID & cell phone with me too. Don't forget to "ICE" your cell phone--(in case of emergency)