I'm starting to struggle!



  • mochi622
    mochi622 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, there is really a lot of good advise here. One thing I have noticed so far that has helped me a lot is choosing the right nutrition to keep me full. I think it is different for everyone but for me I've seen that when I have a breakfast that is mostly carbs like oatmeal I am hungry soon after and it sets me up for feeling hungry and deprived all day. After experimenting with different combinations I find eating something with protien and lots of fiber really keeps me full and starts my day out on the right foot.
    What I'm trying to say is listen to your body and take note of the reaction you are having to what you eat. Pay attention to what gives you the best bang for the calories and start building on those meals.
    Also what's worked for me is to embrace zero calorie drinks. When I started I told myself water only. Now I drink unsweetened iced tea, or sometimes I put stevie in it, and about 3 times a week I'll have a zero calorie soda. It feels like such a treat and keeps me feeling happy without triggering a binge.
    I hope I've shared something you'll find helpful. I think you've done great so far, you can do this, we all can!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2016
    So im sitting here at my heaviest ever also. Im currently 150kg or around 24 stone, I have struggled with diets for years and always end up losing 5kg then putting 10 back on, this time im determined to lose weight for my children. My weight is getting to the point where if it doesnt stop ill die. I think thats the thing thats going to keep me going this time.

    Im only 2 weeks in and i know im not hungry because im able to eat enough and stay below my calories but i constantly feel hungry because im having cravings. Its hard but i think you have to look at the overall prize, also 19lb is awesome, keep it up :smile:
    You don't eat enough if you are under your calorie allowance. That's probably why you are hungry, and why you get on and off diets and gain more each time. What are your calories set to, and how much are you eating on average?

    Cravings should diminish when you eat better. If you want pointers, please open up your diary or at least describe your diet in a few words.
  • saintshoc
    saintshoc Posts: 29 Member
    My binges were always chocolate based and it was a tough one to tackle. For me the key was food shopping time and the only eat I coped was to avoid the chocolate aisle and also to never shop hungry. Nothing original I know but once I cracked it then other challenges became achievable.

    Best of luck with your own journey.
  • sianlr87
    sianlr87 Posts: 72 Member
    battyfitch wrote: »
    Does anyone have any tips for keeping to their calorie goal? I'm not looking for a whole bunch of "I've never had a problem sticking to my goal" responses, I want to hear from people who've struggled or still struggle to keep within their limits.

    This post has received some great advice and I will be having a go too! I struggle with emotional eating and have gone over my calorie goal numerous times. What I've always done though is just ignore it and don't log it. I've pledged to myself that I will at least log it. This weekend I ate a LOT and although I didn't go over my calorie goal (due to much walking) I wouldn't normally have logged it all. I'm proud of myself for that at least.

    I have also started a little exercise routine and I've felt what it's like when I've eaten well, with the correct fuel and not eaten well.

    Other things I've found useful is having something to do in the evenings as I'll eat when bored. Things like puzzle books/adult colouring books have helped me.

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I feel like I'm reading my story a bit. I'm motivated by my daily weight tracker that shows I'm trending down. I don't really deprive myself but I prelog as much as possible. I add a ton of fruits, veggies and protein and I'm happier seeing good numbers and feel better. Good luck, sometimes finding that trick helps the mind into staying strong.