Starting Again - Can't fit on rides at amusement park

Hi all. I am starting over, AGAIN. Yesterday I think I hit my bottom. I took my kids to an amusement park and I was saddened by the reality of my unhealthy weight. I could not ride on some of the rides due to my size. This has NEVER happened to me before. I know I am a big girl, but yesterday's situation, gave me a HUGE reality check. I have never felt such shame and embarrassment. My kids saw my pain and hurt. I cried. I have been struggling with my weight for a very long time but I've realized time and time again, my mental health in not allowing me to meet my goals. I am filled with such negativity and self hate it's unbelievable. I am not giving up. My faith in God is what keeps me sane and I know at some point, eventually, I will make it. I am looking for a buddy. Someone who understands my struggles and can relate and offer support. Accepting that healthy eating/ exercise is a lifestyle change may be easy to understand for most, very difficult for me. I want too much too soon. I need to understand this is forever. Small changes will provide huge results. Here's to today and I look forward to meeting my new friends ☺


  • jjalbertt
    jjalbertt Posts: 98 Member
    Hey there! First I'd like to say that I'm sorry that happened to you, I can only imagine what that must feel like. I am also looking for friends to keep motivated, maybe we can motivate each other.
    Last month I flew to visit family and for the first time I worried about not fitting into the airplane seat. Shopping has become my worst enemy. Needless to say I'm also taking the steps to be a healthier version of myself and im always looking for friends in a similar boat. :)
  • motherall
    motherall Posts: 5 Member
    I had a friend who has now passed b ut lost 150 pounds with Weight Watchers and another who is nearly to her 50 pound goal. I lost nothing with WW but that just wasn't for me. Private weigh ins were no incentive and the program didn't work because no one bothered to tell me to eat ALL my points or I wouldn't be successful. But I supported my friend. I worked customer service for 26 years and chained to a chair didn't help much. Now it's time for no more excuses since I have nothing better to do. I joined a class at the gym 3 x week for an hour each- very basic exercises you could do at home. I did really with "Walk away the pounds" and some of the routines are available online. There are also chair exercises which are good for me because my balance is poor right now. Grab my arm and let's start together. You may have to drag me sometimes but I'll do the same for you.
  • scarter5150
    scarter5150 Posts: 5 Member
    Put your mind to it and it will all come together remember if there is a will there is a way, if no will there's no have the faith already now believe in yourself to push forward and reward your body,your health, your kids. we are here for you in support!!lets go
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    You've got this!!!!

    You've come to the right place. Start logging your food, maybe go for whatever distance walk you can and increase a little each week.

    50 days ago I couldn't walk to my car and back and today I just finished a trail walk of 3 miles.

    You can do it!!!!!
  • Erika2011MaBelleFille
    Hi there. So sorry, but let's take it one day at a time. From here on out start each day on a good and positive note. What worked for me was focusing on what I ate vs exercising at the beginning. You need to make sure the calories in don't outweigh calories out. Make a list of healthy food that you would be ok with eating regularly and don't focus so much on what you CAN'T have. All progress starts with a first step, and I think this could be it for you. I wish you success in your health/ weightloss journey and feel free to reach out if you need to.