How much cardio before lifting?

So, if I am going to lift in the evening, having already done a running or biking workout in the morning, how much of a cardio warm up do I need? I have read that I should do at least 20 min of cardio, but do I need to do that on top of having done a longer workout in the morning?


  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    20 minutes of cardio before lifting is excessive. I warm-up with light sets. warming up with cardio before weight training is not necessary :)
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Personally I don't do any, other than walking up the stairs to the weight room. I do lift specific warm up before my sets though, so if I'm doing bench I'll do a set with no weight, just the bar, then I'll do a set with 50 pounds and then start my sets. I do that for every exercise. when I'm done lifting I usually get a good stretch and hit the pool for my cardio. Your mileage may vary, but that's what I do.

  • runninghannah
    runninghannah Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the quick replies.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I never do any cardio before I lift. Even on days that I have both lifting and cardio scheduled, I lift first, with no warm-up prior, then do my cardio. (I don't split the workouts, I just do 'em back to back)

    This also keeps the benches from getting soaked from my post run sweatiness. :)
  • Mellzicious
    It's best to do cardio after lifting. You burn your glycogen during lifting and then can burn fat during cardio afterwards.
  • girlsjustwanna13
    girlsjustwanna13 Posts: 20 Member
    1500 metres on the rowing machine will warm you up nicely!
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Until you are warm, literally.
    3 minutes?
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I do like 30 seconds of jump rope before lifting.
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Cardio after lifting for me.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    10 minute warm up on the treadmill before lifting, then 15-20 minutes on either the elliptical or stationary bike post lifting.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    No cardio before lifting. Ever. Cardio needs to be done after lifting.

    Some people do a 5 minute cardio warmup before lifting but, honestly, light weights make for a better warmup for lifting.
  • afreelandgti
    As another member posted you can use light weight to warm up or simple calisthenics to get the heart rate up. Don't run on a treadmill or ride a bike for 20-30 min and expect optimal performance during your weight training.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do cardio before and after lifting - I run to the gym and home (3 miles round trip). This works for me but I have no idea if it is the "best" way to do it. Is it necessary? I doubt it. I just like it
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I kinda plod on the treadmill for about 5 minutes, while reading a book (to give an idea of how fast I'm not going) Sometimes shorter, if I feel 'warm'.
  • charliejenny
    charliejenny Posts: 79 Member
    Lighter sets for me
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I do about 10 minutes on the elliptical first, just to wake me up and get me energized. I also do some really light sets of my lifts to warm up. I go back on the elliptical for another 20 minutes after my lifting. It's what fits my goals, but yours may be different.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh shoot, I didn't even know this was a thing. Why? Why do you all warm up first before lifting. I only warm up for certain things but not this. La, la, la la la.