HELP please!

I had dropped down to 212 from 214 an I was 260 about 6 months ago
During my weight gain I was so depressed I hated myself well I lost the weight an was losing
What do I do to keep it off? Seems like even if I eat right I gain weight
An yes the depression is still there when I see the scale going back up


  • HuskyRetrieverLover
    Depression can really affect many things in ones life. I don't know if you have tried talking to your doctor but sometime they can help. As far as losing weight, tracking daily really helps. I started using measuring cups for cereal and milk, etc. the app even has where you can scan barcodes. I'm not sure if you are excersizing but that is also a great at helping my depression. YouTube does some great free videos or even Walking around the block or even joining a fitness class helps. Don't ever feel intimidated. You are making a step towards a better you. Making that choice to do something is great!
    I heard of a good book... Not sure it totally fits but it's called the feel good handbook by David burns. It is suppose to be a book about dealing and how to retrain yourself when dealing with depression. It's on my next book list.
    Anyways... Don't give up. Eating good sometimes isn't about eating good but how much and what or when you eat it. Olive oil is a great alternative instead of vegatable or canola oil for instant. If you ever have questions, I'm not the best but would love to try and help answer them!
    Weight loss is not an easy goal but you can defiantly do it.
    Btw, if you weight yourself remember to do it the same time everyday. My weight in the morning and afternoon are a 2lbs difference.
    Good luck. If you have question feel free to ask me I'll try to help. :) I'm no expert but it's all a learning process.
  • AnabolicMind2011
    AnabolicMind2011 Posts: 211 Member
    Remember this- weight loss comes from a calorie deficit
    Maintaining weight comes from eating maintenance calories
    Weight gain comes from a calorie surplus.

    So as long as you prevent yourself from eating at a calorie surplus then you will not gain back the weight.

    Depression is awful for someone to deal with, I'm really sorry your going through that. I would seek help from your doctor if you have unresolved depression issues for an extended time frame.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    edited August 2016
    Depression can really affect many things in ones life. I don't know if you have tried talking to your doctor but sometime they can help. As far as losing weight, tracking daily really helps. I started using measuring cups for cereal and milk, etc. the app even has where you can scan barcodes. I'm not sure if you are excersizing but that is also a great at helping my depression. YouTube does some great free videos or even Walking around the block or even joining a fitness class helps. Don't ever feel intimidated. You are making a step towards a better you. Making that choice to do something is great!
    I heard of a good book... Not sure it totally fits but it's called the feel good handbook by David burns. It is suppose to be a book about dealing and how to retrain yourself when dealing with depression. It's on my next book list.
    Anyways... Don't give up. Eating good sometimes isn't about eating good but how much and what or when you eat it. Olive oil is a great alternative instead of vegatable or canola oil for instant. If you ever have questions, I'm not the best but would love to try and help answer them!
    Weight loss is not an easy goal but you can defiantly do it.
    Btw, if you weight yourself remember to do it the same time everyday. My weight in the morning and afternoon are a 2lbs difference.
    Good luck. If you have question feel free to ask me I'll try to help. :) I'm no expert but it's all a learning process.

    I struggled under severe depression for about 40 years of my life. I tried everything, therapy, medication, etc. Then, at a friend's recommendation, I bought "Feeling Good The New Mood Therapy" by Dr. David M. Burns MD. I started reading it on a Thursday. Did the practice exercises over the weekend. By Tuesday, my depression of 40 years eased. Within the month, my depression was gone. It's been 3 years, and it has not come back. I cannot recommend the book (basically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT) strongly enough.

    As to weight loss, I found that setting athletic goals helped keep me interested in eating right - which I define for myself as within my calorie target, reasonable balance of macro nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrate) and a couple of treat foods daily. I've taken up boxing, weight lifting, running, spinning, and am starting cycling next. When I get tired of one, I work on another.
    I am down to 186 from 278 in four years post open heart surgery. Still leaning out.

    Best of luck in achieving your health goals!