Lots of food + lots of cardio = stuck at high weight??

Hello all! I am a 5'9" college student trying to shave off the freshman 15. I started this summer at 144, then got down to 133. My goal is 130 and then eventually stay around 125-130.

When I was at school, I didn't have good running trails so I did very little cardio and ate less as a result.

Now, I'm living at home, running at least 6 miles everyday, and eating lots of food to fuel my body.

I'm still always aiming for 1200, but many days I'll eat 2000 and burn 800 between my daily runs and other exercise.

This Wednesday, I had a huge binge (probably 1000-2000 calories) on trail mix. I was already up to 135 and it put me at 136.6. I've still eaten a LOT the past couple days, but worked out hard to stay at 1200. But now it's Saturday and I'm still at 136.6!

Please don't tell me not to weigh myself every day. I really like knowing my daily weight so I can learn how my body reacts to different foods, etc. I actually obsess and worrymore if I don't have a scale.

That being said, I really want to get back to 133 so I can continue actually losing weight. Do you think it would benefit me to cut down on food and exercise, return to a more 1500-300 situation I had before? Or do I just need to wait to out to see the results? I know the scale isn't everything, but I LOOK bigger too and I don't like it.

Thank you in advance, you guys are great.


  • nkayyy
    nkayyy Posts: 46
    Also, I don't know if my diary is public or not, but it isn't accurate.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    With such high numbers, it seems likely that you could be over estimating how many calories you are burning during your exercises.

    You should aim to eat back half your exercise calories instead of all of them to compensate for this.
  • nkayyy
    nkayyy Posts: 46
    With such high numbers, it seems likely that you could be over estimating how many calories you are burning during your exercises.

    You should aim to eat back half your exercise calories instead of all of them to compensate for this.

    That's a good point. I was considering that. I guess that's been hard for me to do since I tend to work out late at night, but it's definitely worth a try.