5ft ladies getting back on it!

Hi all, so it took me 12months to lose 30 lbs and get to my ideal weight. It took 6 month yo pile 16lb back on. I'm so unhappy and fat. .soo without any more self pity I'm back. Any encouragement or advice is most welcome. Thank you for reading this long winded post! !


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    Great to hear you are back on it. :)

    As you have caught yourself with only a 16lbs gain aim to lose at .5lbs a week.

    If you exercise do eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories. Being petite we don't get a lot of calories so the extra calories are needed to ward off leathery in everyday life and fatigue when exercising.

    I'm not sure how you ate when you initially lost weight, but I found just shaving a few calories off what I ate, while keeping up my protein levels, worked for losing. This meant once I transferred to maintenance, it was simple to keep portion sizes under control.
    This has worked for 6+ years.

    Exercise isn't needed but, if you can, do some resistance work. It will help in muscle retention and help resculpt your body.

    Cheers, h.