Why do so many people hate carbs?



  • pesigrandi
    pesigrandi Posts: 74 Member
    It's not so much that I hate carbs because I like my fruits and vegetables. But, I'm not a fan of grains as alone they taste like cardboard. Even potatoes are pretty tasteless without butter and salt at a minimum. Most grains make me feel bloated and lethargic. I feel much better when I eat protein and vegetables for my meals.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I love carbs :) There an important part of a balanced diet, I would never give them up :) I fit them easily into my daily calories and their included as part of my macros, so I don't see any reason not to eat them :) I don't buy into the whole turns to fat thing, extra calories turns to fat, and if they did why would I be losing inches? I think low/no carb is a fad, and the low carbs are taking credit for lower calories. People start a fad diet and see their losing weight, but don't put the connection together that a. if their losing that fast it is water weight and b. any weight there after is from eating less calories.
  • ElikaCousland
    ElikaCousland Posts: 62 Member
    People* hate carbs for the same reason people used to hate fat, or cholesterol, or dairy, or eggs, or red meat. Because diet tracking and exercise is hard, and it's way easier to just cut out one food/macro than log your calories every day. Carbs are simply the latest villain in a long history of bro-science and fad diets.

    *The term People used in a generalized sense. Obviously diabetics and individuals with other medical conditions require different dietary advice and should work with a doctor / nutritionist.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    I don't hate carbs at all. In fact, I love them. Too much. And, as with many others, eating just carbs leads to wanting carbs, and wanting carbs, leads to eating more carbs...They have their place in my diet, for sure. I am just careful what carbs - nutritionally dense and relatively unprocessed and where or with what.
  • peniculala
    peniculala Posts: 81 Member
    I don't really know. At my last doctors appointment my doc asked me if I was watching my carbs. I said no and she looked surprised, but didn't tell me to start. I think I'm doing just fine without it. I just try to make good choices. I can't have gluten, so that cuts down on a lot naturally.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I don't hate them...its just that the ones I like are the bad ones. White floury sugary treats and such. So...I stay away from them! Pancakes and waffles are great, too....but then, I like syrup on them. Different things work for different people.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Carbs aren't really my friend. I can maintain a nice relationship with some carby foods, but others usually either give me heartburn, send me into crazy binge land, or just don't taste very good in general.
  • carries789
    carries789 Posts: 1 Member
    I think it's funny carb lovers are offended that some people hate carbs. I mean really? No it's NOT because it's a fad. Many people like myself go into a coma state when eating them. I have pcos and I'm prediabetic. Just because it's not the way one person eats doesn't make them into a fad. Different bodies have different needs. I hate carbs because if I have spaghetti or pizza my kids lose their mom for 2 hrs while I sleep. It royally sucks. The majority of people who actually HATE carbs do so because they genuinely hate what it does to them.