Becoming despondent, feeling horrid.

I feel like I have lost the will to do anything about my weight. Everything has gone wrong in the past 7 months.
Last year, since January 2012, I had lost a total of 2 stone, 4 lbs.
Back in January, I was rushed into hospital with an inflamed gallbladder, and a bad case of pancreatitis. I went through a mass of medical testing to discover the cause, which ended up being a stone which then passed. Whilst in hospital, however, I started off getting extreme dizziness, which I thought was linked to my gallbladder, so I thought nothing of it. I left hospital, where I dealt with my dizziness getting worse and worse, until it was every day, and was causing me extreme panic. Along with it came pressure headaches.
Over this time, up until I got my gallbladder removed in May, I gained about a stone back, and thought little of it, as I was ill, and was unable to exercise at all so I expected it.
Then I got my gallbladder out, and the dizziness stayed. I spend almost every day now dizzy, and no doctor I have been to has been able to do anything for it. In the past two months, I have been unable to exercise at all, and I've been unable to eat very healthily due to spending far too much time sleeping due to my dizziness tablets making me tired.
I have also been going through a lot of stress, with my mum having moved her boyfriend, who I hate, into MY house, which I inherited from my dad, and him taking over the house and trying to slowly turn my mum against me and my boyfriend, and having no job, or any real chance of getting one.

I really don't know what to do, and I don't see any way of life improving, since I can't so much as walk along the high street without becoming dizzy, and the stress at home is only making it worse. It's gotten so bad, I'm not sleeping at night, and can't stand getting up in the mornings. I spend all my time either sitting, exhausted and depressed, or comfort eating. I've gained back all the weight I lost, plus 4 lbs... and I feel horrible about my entire life right now...

If anyone can help in any way, please...


  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    no doctor I have been to has been able to do anything for it.

    What kind of testing has your doctor done to look into the problem. There is A LOT that could cause this. Don't give up! Do you mean that you feel light headed and dizzy, like you're going to faint? Or that the world seem to be spinning around you like vertigo?
  • PeanutButterCupcake
    PeanutButterCupcake Posts: 3 Member
    What kind of testing has your doctor done to look into the problem. There is A LOT that could cause this. Don't give up! Do you mean that you feel light headed and dizzy, like you're going to faint? Or that the world seem to be spinning around you like vertigo?

    They started off thinking it was vertigo, as some of my symptoms corresponded with it, but my balance seems to be fine, infact better than most peoples, and they decided to test my blood pressure, which seems to be perfectly normal. They've tested my heart rate, too, and done all possible blood tests. I'm waiting for an appointment at the ENT department, but that can be up to 3 months wait, just for the first appointment.
    The dizziness feels like the room is spinning around me, but I do sometimes feel faint on top of that, and often get headaches with it.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    Make sure you get a scan of your brain too. It can be expensive, but if the ENT turns up nothing, I would go to that next.

    Stress can really bring out all kind of weird things. I'm not qualified to say, but consider it a possibility. There's a lot I don't know about your situation with you mom and her boyfriend, so I also don't want to hand out useless advice. It sounds perfectly awful though.
    Look into the law. If you hold the title to the house, your mom cannot coerce you into a living arrangement you don't want in your own home. Do you have any friends or other relatives that can help you emotionally? If you don't hold the title to the house, you don't own it. If the will stipulated you inherit the house, that is a matter you'll have to take to court.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    ^ ^ Agreed. If you own the house, kick mom and boyfriend out. Keep a diary of your foods/activities, etc. to give to each doctor you see so patterns can hopefully be found. Good luck!
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I agree with ostrich. Go back to the doctor and ask them to investigate further. Stress is indeed a possibility, I've had some very weird symptoms which turned out to be caused by stress. Keep pushing them, and if they are not taking you seriously go to a different doctor!
    Get legal advice about your mam living with her boyfiend in your house. I know it's family and it's tricky, and I don't know the full story but maybe you could chat to a friend IRL and see how you could handle it in a gentle way.

    You have a lot on your plate right now, try and deal with all those issues first before you stress about the weight. You've done it before, you'll do it again! Good luck!
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    What kind of testing has your doctor done to look into the problem. There is A LOT that could cause this. Don't give up! Do you mean that you feel light headed and dizzy, like you're going to faint? Or that the world seem to be spinning around you like vertigo?

    They started off thinking it was vertigo, as some of my symptoms corresponded with it, but my balance seems to be fine, infact better than most peoples, and they decided to test my blood pressure, which seems to be perfectly normal. They've tested my heart rate, too, and done all possible blood tests. I'm waiting for an appointment at the ENT department, but that can be up to 3 months wait, just for the first appointment.
    The dizziness feels like the room is spinning around me, but I do sometimes feel faint on top of that, and often get headaches with it.

    Have they tested you for Meneers (SP?) disease? or Mal de Mer? I had an aunt with Meneers and I had Mal de Mer.... Physio and prescription helped with both cases.