How Many Days Does It Take?



  • Wmy890
    Wmy890 Posts: 12
    Love your story sue and everyone. Just started my journey last week. Thanks to my sister for sharing this site with me. You area great motivation. Good luck with the knees.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    First, let me congratulate you on your success!

    IIRC, it's been 422 days for me. A longer journey but just as satisfying. I have gone from having a fasting BS of over 200 to between 90 and 120, depending on how good I am. ;) I have gone from a size 18/20 to a 14 so far. I have gotten rid of all my fat clothes and love how my body has improved. I still have more to lose but I am in no hurry. I feel so much better physically and mentally. I will never look like a teenager again but at least I will be lighter and healthier. I have met some great people here who really understand the problems and feelings associated with trying to lose weight and eat healthy and I do SO appreciate them and this site for helping to bring about my success .

    Best wishes to you and thank you for sharing your story!
  • Port47
    Port47 Posts: 62 Member
    Sue I am so very privileged to call you one of my MFP friends. That was the best day when you accepted me as a friend . After reading sooo many of your blogs I can honestly say you have changed the way that I look at myself now. I was 227lbs. at the end of January 2012 and have lost 18 lbs. so far. I know that that is a small amount but I like you have a very bad arthritic right knee,so exercising is a challenge but I have read your wonderful blogs and have been so encouraged that this is my new way of learning to eat properly and I will never give up my small goals.I find giving myself little goals along the way( next one is Onderland too,I am now 208lbs.) with these little achievements I don' t get as discouraged as looking at the big picture down the road a year from now.You have gotten me out of those big baggy tops that I used to wear thinking that it covered up my fat self, now I am wearing snugger things because I want to see what I have been hiding so many years. I can see small changes and it is so encouraging.i took your lead and also got into a swimsuit and have been swimming in my daughter's pool. I used to sit at the side of the pool in pants sweltering and wished so badly to go in but was so too embarrassed. I now have an addiction though but it is a good one.Sue I am addicted to reading your blogs. You have reached so many people.Keep the good work.You will get your new knees soon.Glad Ed is coming home tomorrow.God Bless You.....
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Why are you reposting your blog entries on the regular forums? I appreciate your blogs, but why? Do you really need to reach out to everyone?

    Good question. I prefer doing personal blogs, but I found out that there were folks who only read the Community boards...especially newcomers to MFP. It takes some folks a while to discover the blogs. Those folks are looking for encouragement and positive friends on MFP. It is often here on the Community boards that I get most of my friend requests. They are usually people who are just wanting a positive friend on MFP.

    Some of my MFP friends have told me that they were hurt by some of the nasty comments and negativity that they first encountered on the MFP posts (the Community board posts). It has happened to me as well. Despite that experience, I try to put a few posts here that will be positive and less likely to attract negative comments. Some of my blogs will never be posted here, because I know that they would invited rude or negative comments. Those topics are better left in the blogs.

    I have been blessed with success in MFP; and I want to share that with other people who are still struggling or just beginning their weight loss reach out to them...yes...all of them. There might me someone out there who is just like I was last year, wondering if they have it in themselves to try and lose weight again. So...I chose to put some of my thoughts in both my blogs and here on the boards...especially if they might 'motivate' someone to get started or keep going. That's why this post is on the 'Motivation' board and in my blogs.

    I hope that is not a problem for you or anyone else.

    I don't often visit the blogs (honestly because I just forget sometimes that they're even there, my own included lol) so I personally am glad you posted this here! (:
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Success stories in general are my favorite! Seeing other people meet their goals is a huge motivator for me. Your story honestly almost made me tear up. Wonderfully put! Keep up all the hard work!

    For me it has been 396 days of this lifestyle change, 328 days on MFP, and a life time to continue to get healthier, more fit, and enjoy life!

    Your success is wonderful and inspiring for me.

    I can tell that you are a very friendly and sincere person. Thank you for the kind words!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    And remember being a little fat girl whose dad and grandma enrolled into a weight class at the age of 8. I mostly crawled around on the floor and looked for things to do while the other, much older, women weighed in and such.

    That is a horrible memory to carry throughout your life. I know that your Dad and grandma wanted to help you; but it seems so wrong to me. That would have hurt me so much at that age.
    So, is this it for me, will I finally realize that I can be healthy and stay on track eating better? I do so pray so.
    Thank you for your encouraging words and all your posts and for your friendship on here.
    Applejax89 aka Angie

    ...and I am going to keep praying for you too, Angie.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I find giving myself little goals along the way( next one is Onderland too,I am now 208lbs.)

    That's my next mini goal also, but I have a feeling that you will get there first. Just keep up what you are doing.
    I took your lead and also got into a swimsuit and have been swimming in my daughter's pool. I used to sit at the side of the pool in pants sweltering and wished so badly to go in but was so too embarrassed.

    Ohhhh, isn't swimming a joy? Fear of wearing a swimsuit keeps so many us from get into the water and feeling so free. I absolutely love swimming laps. Monday, I will be back in the pool. Hallelujah!!! :bigsmile:
    Glad Ed is coming home tomorrow.God Bless You.....

    Tomorrow...tomorrow...tomorrow. I can't wait to have my sweetheart home again. This has been a very long time without my dear hubbie. :love:
  • michelledfoster
    Why are you reposting your blog entries on the regular forums? I appreciate your blogs, but why? Do you really need to reach out to everyone?

    Good question. I prefer doing personal blogs, but I found out that there were folks who only read the Community boards...especially newcomers to MFP. It takes some folks a while to discover the blogs. Those folks are looking for encouragement and positive friends on MFP. It is often here on the Community boards that I get most of my friend requests. They are usually people who are just wanting a positive friend on MFP.

    Some of my MFP friends have told me that they were hurt by some of the nasty comments and negativity that they first encountered on the MFP posts (the Community board posts). It has happened to me as well. Despite that experience, I try to put a few posts here that will be positive and less likely to attract negative comments. Some of my blogs will never be posted here, because I know that they would invited rude or negative comments. Those topics are better left in the blogs.

    I have been blessed with success in MFP; and I want to share that with other people who are still struggling or just beginning their weight loss reach out to them...yes...all of them. There might me someone out there who is just like I was last year, wondering if they have it in themselves to try and lose weight again. So...I chose to put some of my thoughts in both my blogs and here on the boards...especially if they might 'motivate' someone to get started or keep going. That's why this post is on the 'Motivation' board and in my blogs.

    I hope that is not a problem for you or anyone else.

    Post where ever, dear Sue, as your post was the first positive thing that I had read in the Community board area. So glad I read your post and found a cheerleader !
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I have been sitting in my garden thinking of this post and your progress and I just wanted to stop by and tell you how great I think you are! We have been MFP friends for a long while. I have learned on MFP that there are perennial friends and annual friends. The annuals quit as soon as they have a frost, the perennials stay with it no matter what the obstacle. They will push up the side walk if that is what it takes. Perennials grow bigger and stronger every year! You, my dear, are a strong perennial.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    You're such an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for posting. And many I add - I'm totally in live with you rEd :smooched: his encouragement, understanding and support are such a blessing
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    I will be 32 years old at the end of July. I have birthed 2 beautiful children and have the body changes to prove it. I cannot blame my weight issues on any of that though. I struggled with my weight since I was a pre-teen. Favoring sedentary activities and a poor childhood diet started my on the road to obesity. I got to the point where I hated my body so much that I would do anything to lose weight. I became anorexic in college. The harder I was on my body, the sicker I got, the harder I pushed myself to lose more. I went from 210 to 115 pounds in less than 6 months. I turned things around when I met my husband and it dawned on me that if I continued on this road, I would die before I got to know this wonderful man I would later marry. I slowly gained the weight back until I was at 209 pounds. The difference was that I was ok with it. I had learned to love my body regardless of its size. About this time my doctor had the health talk with me. "Do you want to live to see your kids graduate?" I cried, went home, and looked in the mirror. Of course I wanted to see my kids graduate. I had to make a change, but I was so afraid of returning to anorexia. I set up some support with friends and lost 7 pounds in a month. Then I found MFP. I decided to give it a try and never looked back. I have lost nearly 80 pounds. I did the first 70 in 7 months time. I did it the healthy way! No starving myself. I made good food choices and found exercises I liked (some I may even love!). I have been maintaining the last 3 months. I feel healthy, I have more energy, my vitals are great, I am no longer considered pre-diabetic, and I still LOVE my body (maybe even more now that there is less of me to love). I am so proud of what I have achieved both mentally and physically. MFP has helped me get here. It has helped me understand what my body needs and why. I will never go back to obesity again. Thank you MFP and ALL the supporters on here.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I will be 32 years old at the end of July. I have birthed 2 beautiful children and have the body changes to prove it.
    ...I turned things around when I met my husband and it dawned on me that if I continued on this road, I would die before I got to know this wonderful man I would later marry.
    ...I did the first 70 in 7 months time. I did it the healthy way! No starving myself. I made good food choices and found exercises I liked (some I may even love!). I have been maintaining the last 3 months.
    ...I feel healthy, I have more energy, my vitals are great, I am no longer considered pre-diabetic,
    ...and I still LOVE my body (maybe even more now that there is less of me to love). I am so proud of what I have achieved both mentally and physically. MFP has helped me get here. It has helped me understand what my body needs and why. I will never go back to obesity again. Thank you MFP and ALL the supporters on here.

    This is a real success story, and you have all the best rewards acknowledged. You will be a blessing to your children, your hubbie and your MFP friends for years to come. Thanks for sharing, Sis.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I joined here November 15, 2011. 608 days. 1 year, 8 months.

    I wasn't really happy about my weight, or how my clothes were fitting. It was past the time where I should have bought the next size up, I was bulging out of my jeans and they were becoming soooo uncomfortable, but I refused to buy the bigger size. I didn't really have any plan to lose weight the weight, but I looked at this site when I saw someone mention it in another forum I frequented. My weight has gone up and down +/- 35 pounds through the years so I knew I could do it, but getting older, it seems to be a little harder.

    So, my first day logging I had McDonalds for breakfast, 700 calories. Lunch was a 300 calorie "cup o sodium" soup cup out of the vending machine. Dinner was a normal 3 course dinner with fish so that only came in at 580 calories. Plus 400 calories afternoon vending machine snacks because the soup cup didn't go far. I didn't feel like I was eating very much, but as you can see, it was high cals for small volume of food.

    I started changing my food habits and that helped. But I never liked to exercise. I liked to do fun things involving movement, but not if it was specifically for the purpose of exercise or typically called exercise. But with a full time job, and a lot of responsibilities with a volunteer organization, who has time for "play"? Gradually I started adding exercise in. This was harder for me than the eating, overcoming my mental blocks about exercise.

    Eventually my goals changed, the actual number on the scale became less important to me and I started to focus on size and lowering body fat % instead. 5 months ago I started lifting heavy weights to try to reach that lower body fat % goal. Since I am rapidly approaching menopause, now I am more concerned about preserving lean body mass and strength so I can still ride my Harley in my 70's.

    How many days does it take? It will take me the rest of my life to keep strong and healthy, and finally I'm okay with that. No more "I'm there now so I can stop".
  • MasterKat
    MasterKat Posts: 149
    "Today, I am 68 years, 5 months and 7 days old. That is 24,994 days of life. It has only taken me a brief 233 days to lose 57.5 pounds; but it has taken me a lifetime to love myself like I do now. "

    This I love! Looking at it this way.... wow I have been over weight for 5,123 (+/-) days out of my 12,468 days on this earth. How short of a time will it take me to lose this weight? No one knows. I'm shooting for another 105 days. That's nothing comparing it to 5,123 days!
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    Firstly, let me congratulate you on your outstanding achievement. You are a credit to and a motivation to everyone here.
    I too am in my 60's - 65 to be exact. I too have been "chubby" for most of my life.
    When I was 62, my doctor finally gave in and let me have knee surgery at 260 lbs. It wasn't ideal and he told me that I would probably wear it out prematurely because of my weight, but I was in such pain with a totally collapsed knee that there was no real alternative, other than to dump me into a wheelchair and forget about me.
    So I had the surgery, which was painful, but successful. In January this year, I came to the sudden conclusion that I HAD to do something about my weight, otherwise, revision surgery was on the near horizon, and that's when I joined MFP. I have lost nearly 70 lbs since then and I now work out regularly and have just joined a gym, as well as taking up Nordic Walking. My trainer says that I will get stronger and fitter, and as my weight decreases, the knee will have more chance of lasting its prescribed 15 years.
    So yes - I identify with everything you have posted here. It IS worth it, and it WILL happen, so long as you commit, exercise and take full advantage of the tremendous support on this site.

    Good luck on your journey, and I hope that the new knee(s) are successful for you as they have been for me.
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    Why are you reposting your blog entries on the regular forums? I appreciate your blogs, but why? Do you really need to reach out to everyone?
    I am glad she did :smile:
    Might not have met her otherwise, or been inspired on an unhappy scale day:noway: