Best way to lose fat?

In short, looking for the best exercise/eating combo that helps you lose fat as fast as possible. I work outside at a decently physical job and I feel like I have decent muscle tone only that it's buried under a thick layer of fat over my whole body. I'd like to know how I can just burn off this fat and get to show my muscle underneath. Do I need to just do a huge amount of cardio and not eat any carbs?? For reference, I'm 5'3 and weigh 180lbs, and I'm a 21 year old girl. But it's very evenly distributed on my body ( no one would ever guess I weight THAT much) so please help!


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    edited August 2016
    First of - ditch the burn fat as fast as possible and start managing your expectations - fat does not appear overnight and does not disappear overnight too.
    Second of - cutting carbs is un-necessary and a misconception.
    Last but not least - reduce food consumption and monitor intake. Calories In Calories Out - this is the only way to burn fat.
    At 180 lbs you can aim at 1800 / 2000 calories to start with and monitor progress there after.
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    If there was a super quick fix i guess, we'd all be doing it (minus surgery!). Monitor your calories using MFP and my personal advice would be lots of exercise, whatever you like doing - do as much of its you can. If you loose weight too quickly chances are it will go back on just as quick when you stop.
  • jillianash
    jillianash Posts: 97 Member
    Alright thanks guys ☺️
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,639 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit and be consistent. That's pretty much it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Its all about CICO- as accurately as possible- but bare in mind that both CI and CO are estimates so it's never going to be spot on.

    How you get to the deficit is a personal thing:
    - prefer more exercise over eating less? or the other way around? 50/50

    How you make up your calorie goal is another personal call:
    - More low calorie 'fillers'- like veg. This helps most people.
    - incorporating small treats or 'cheat meals/ days'- helps some people, sets others off on a binge
    - pre-packed vs whole foods
    - Low carb helps some people reduce carb cravings, others like high fat as it can help them stay full
    - macro balences are personal
    - Some people have certain dietary concerns e.g. enough protein, fibre, less sugar, salt etc.
    - Some people like to eat out a lot , or pre-prep etc.

    Weight loss is not the same as good nutrition. They can be used in the same diet but you can lose fat eating just 'junk'. (not that it's advised) (Oh, and a calorie is just a unit of measurement- it does not indicate the macro it's measuring- wish that argument would stop now)

    There is no one way, and you may use all these methods at any one time , or none at all- as long as you are still losing , its all good.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    If you want the fastest way, have a look at Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle McDonald. If you want a sustainable approach, then set a moderate caloric deficit and stick to it.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Stop eating too much food.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    abadvat wrote: »
    First of - ditch the burn fat as fast as possible and start managing your expectations - fat does not appear overnight and does not disappear overnight too.
    Second of - cutting carbs is un-necessary and a misconception.
    Last but not least - reduce food consumption and monitor intake. Calories In Calories Out - this is the only way to burn fat.
    At 180 lbs you can aim at 1800 / 2000 calories to start with and monitor progress there after.

    Pretty much this. There is no best, there is no fastest. A few tips to help you consume less calories...try not to drink your calories, they can add up fast. Understand serving sizes and portion control. Some people can eat the same foods they have been, just less, some people need to avoid certain foods that trigger over eating...that's an individual thing, find which works best for you.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    I agree with the advice to lower your calorie consumption. Since you are already physical, add in cardio -- walk, run, bike, swim, chase that darn pokemon if you must but move.