Help!! Really struggling, need to get started but it's so hard!

My name's Lil, I've just turned 25, I'm married with a gorgeous 2 year old baby boy. I first tried to lose weight when I was 16/17 and 15.5 stone, I got down to 13 stone and was fairly happy but since then it's crept back on for various reasons and I just can't get my head back into a place where I can start losing weight again! Is there anyone out there who's had real trouble starting but found a way to get through it? I was meant to 'start again' today but I've already messed that up! I think I just need some guidance from someone who's maybe been in my position or something similar...


  • amymurray12282
    amymurray12282 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi. :) You sound so much like me! I've started so many times it's not funny....but I think I'm onto something this time. I've been at it for just over a month now, and I'm still going pretty strong. Here's an idea...while you can't go back and fix what already happened today, you can start over right now and change it moving forward. I'll send you a friend request, and maybe I can use my experience to help you get started and stick with it! :)
  • Loug1983
    Loug1983 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Lil

    I've had this app for years and couldn't get going with it, over that time my weight has continued to creep up. I've really struggled to get off the ground and then a couple of weeks ago something clicked and I was finally ready. The only thing I can attribute it to is seeing some of the success stories on here, there's a few threads with pictures showing people's transformations and after scrolling through a few pages I finally realised the only thing holding me back is me!

    For years trying to lose weight felt futile, but I suddenly felt that if they can do it so can I! I've only been doing this for 2 and a half weeks, but so far I'm doing well and everything I think about indulging in something that isn't within my calorie allowance I remind myself of how unhappy I was just a few weeks ago and how much better I feel just for doing something proactive finally!

    Hope this helps.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how exactly have you 'messed it up'?
  • lilhailwood91
    lilhailwood91 Posts: 7 Member
    how exactly have you 'messed it up'?

    Well I've eaten the majority of my calorie allowance already, although usually when I do that I just give up trying to log it and go really crazy with it so I guess this is better...
  • lilhailwood91
    lilhailwood91 Posts: 7 Member
    Nice to know I'm not the only one! Thanks :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how exactly have you 'messed it up'?

    Well I've eaten the majority of my calorie allowance already, although usually when I do that I just give up trying to log it and go really crazy with it so I guess this is better...

    Pre log. Start at maintenance and work your way down to a reasonable deficit.

    Play around with how much protein/fat/fibre you need to keep you full and how many treats you can fit in.
  • mellyo77
    mellyo77 Posts: 214 Member
    I think ultimately it boils down to figuring out what your motivators it to lose weight and be healthy for your kids, and husband, is it for yourself... you have to be ready. For some people like me accountability is a huge piece - maybe joining in on one of the challenges that are on here would be helpful if you are the kind of person who is motivated by a challenge. At the end of the day we all slip up and make not so great choices, try not to let those be the reason you continue to push it off until "tomorrow" there are a million tomorrows. I also find the success stories extremely motivational.... good luck :)
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    Hiya I know how you feel, I started on Monday 25th July...lost 8lbs in two weeks, last week gained 2.5lbs after a heavy weekend of eating lots at bbq's!! So I moped around yesterday and have got back on it today! So lets do this...I have a good 8 stone to lose, in facat 123lbs in total from my heaviest. I know one thing I don't want to gain the whole 8lbs back as I could barely bend before...soul destroying as I have never been this weight before! Wishing you all the best...just draw a line under it and start again. I would say plan your meals for tomorrow. Go through your cupboards and scan/type in what you plan to eat for the day, I guarantee it will fit into your daily allowance...include your water allowance and drinks too! Good luck :smiley:
  • B4Rachael
    B4Rachael Posts: 155 Member
    When I started my weight loss it was very overwhelming the first 2 weeks and I felt like it was impossible. I started my third week with a new outlook.
    I reevaluated my plan and decided to make my breakfast my healthy meal for the 3rd week and eating my normal meals for lunch, dinner and snacks. The next week I was eating healthy breakfast and lunches; and then the following week I changed to healthy snacks. I decided to change my dinners last because I have always overeaten at dinner time and I wanted to conquer the "easier" meals before fixing my hardest mealtime.
    It took me 4 weeks to transition my eating habits slowly but it helped me address my cravings and learn how to make new healthy choices.
    When I crave something that will make me go over my calorie goal; I remind myself that for the amount of calories in *whatever I'm craving* I could eat SO MUCH MORE of healthier options! If you feel like you can't stay away from the craving you are having at that moment - just be sure not to binge eat. I have learned that when I do unhealthy & high calorie foods I am still hungry afterwards because its less food for more calories.
    I think you can treat yourself and still hold yourself accountable for the calories you chose to eat.
    I also suggest logging before you eat anything; this should help you understand what you are eating and how it affects your daily calorie allotment.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    What if you start by exercising for a few weeks, then add in eating at maintenance (prelogging your day to prevent miscalculating) and then move to deficit, being sure to continue exercising?
  • amymurray12282
    amymurray12282 Posts: 154 Member
    B4Rachael wrote: »
    When I started my weight loss it was very overwhelming the first 2 weeks and I felt like it was impossible. I started my third week with a new outlook.
    I reevaluated my plan and decided to make my breakfast my healthy meal for the 3rd week and eating my normal meals for lunch, dinner and snacks. The next week I was eating healthy breakfast and lunches; and then the following week I changed to healthy snacks. I decided to change my dinners last because I have always overeaten at dinner time and I wanted to conquer the "easier" meals before fixing my hardest mealtime.
    It took me 4 weeks to transition my eating habits slowly but it helped me address my cravings and learn how to make new healthy choices.
    When I crave something that will make me go over my calorie goal; I remind myself that for the amount of calories in *whatever I'm craving* I could eat SO MUCH MORE of healthier options! If you feel like you can't stay away from the craving you are having at that moment - just be sure not to binge eat. I have learned that when I do unhealthy & high calorie foods I am still hungry afterwards because its less food for more calories.
    I think you can treat yourself and still hold yourself accountable for the calories you chose to eat.
    I also suggest logging before you eat anything; this should help you understand what you are eating and how it affects your daily calorie allotment.

    What wonderful tips! I think I might utilize these myself. Thanks!
  • lilhailwood91
    lilhailwood91 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone, lots of helpful tips :smile:
  • kaurinderjit13
    kaurinderjit13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Lil

    I have started to diet since 15 Aug. I am going to start Diet Chef from tomorrow. It recommends a 1200 calories where in they provide the food to you so don't have to worry about measuring and counting what to eat.
    I have already tried and tested it in 2014. It needs discipline as any other diet program but it does work.
    I could maintain my weight through 2015 but I have gained again this year. Tried to lose it with exercise but failed at it miserably by overdoing stuff.

    As you are also starting to diet now, it would be great if you add me as friend and we can share our experience.
