Starting new...again today



  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    I'm back here, been back a month now, after losing 97 lbs and re-gaining it all, plus a bonus 10. I can't believe I let it happen, I really can't, but trying a new strategy of gradual change and loss, adding exercise into the mix instead of just starving myself and living in the here and now, celebrating my successes and acknowledging my failures as the teaching experiences they are. All we can do! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, followed by another, and another...
  • miniria
    miniria Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm starting over as well and kinda new to MyFitnessPal. I lost 86 pounds about 9-10 years ago with Weight Watchers and gained it back due to life events, and like you, DanerTee, I cannot believe I let it happen. I'm going to start keeping a food journal again and I've been exercising somewhat, but need to really commit to it! Good luck everyone! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Thanks!
  • p0sitiv3_vib3s
    p0sitiv3_vib3s Posts: 78 Member
    Hi I came back 3 months ago and so far I have lost 1.5 stone (21lb) I absolutely love the changes to my body and the fact that I'm fitter and healthier than I was! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend!