Help!! Can't stop eating crap food.

Ok so i do really well and i have salad and fruit all made for my lunch and then every day nearly i go and buy some biscuits or chocolate and fizzy drinks. I know it is will power of which i have none obviously but just wanted some tips to stop myself from eating all of this rubbish.


  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    Whoa, you're eating a ridiculously low amount of calories! Are you reporting everything or are there really frequent days where you only eat 500-800? Maybe eating a higher quantity of food will make you crave 'rubbish' less frequently and you can use moderation.
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    For me, personally, that's what I do when my diet is too restrictive. Give yourself a little room for a splurge now and then. Also, salad and fruit don't fill me up. I'd add some protein to help.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    A. There are no crap foods.

    B. If I ate less than 800 calories a day I'd probably binge too

    C. How are you even typing?
  • jazzyrose15
    If i have a really bad eating day i dont put all of my food on here. Whats a good protein thing to fill me up on?
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Don't "go buy".
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    hey..not in a rude way..but you should really put all of your food on here. it's hard for me too. but no one is going to judge you. :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Log everything. You can't get an accurate picture of the changes you need to make unless you do.

    As for willpower, you have to find that for yourself.
  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    Yes i would deffinately add more protien, like nuts or eggs that will fill you up..
    Or, when you do have these cravings exercise, drink a ice cold glass of water, or eat some brown rice to fill you up, even try to call/hangout with a friend to take your mind off the cravings. Also if your going out to do something try not to carry money with you so you dont have the urge to stop and buy these crap foods/drinks..idk works for me all the time. Hope i helpd :)
  • jazzyrose15
    I know i should but everyone else is so good at eating right i feel bad. I guess i've got to have more will power and eat more good food to fill me up, Cheers guys. :)
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I still struggle with chocolate and sweets but i've been able to steer clear of sodas by drinking naturally flavored carbonated water. I get the fizziness without all the crap and calories and it's definitely been working.
  • rajathwalharris
    hey..not in a rude way..but you should really put all of your food on here. it's hard for me too. but no one is going to judge you. :)

    Totally agree, I am also in the same boat of low calories, but for me, I have medical issues that enable me to put restrictions on alot of foods....No one will judge, we are all looking to achieve the goal of wellness!!

    Also, just on a side note, I am not sure that I understand the "sodium" values in your food diary, like, some items dont have any sodium in them which is so unheard of, like things like bread? not sure if this is an accurate reading of all that is being consumed.

    As for protein, you do eat chicken, so that's a great about fish?

    So yes put all your food down, put everything out there, lay it on the line...after all what else to you have to lose but weight and meet and make some great friends!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    hey..not in a rude way..but you should really put all of your food on here. it's hard for me too. but no one is going to judge you. :)

    Yes with logging everything you eat, even if it puts you over.

    Yes, there are diary Nazis out there and yes, they will judge you and judge you hard, so keep your diary private/friends if you don't want any Judgey McJudgertons riding your *kitten*.

    I eat "crap" and "bad" food. I figured out a long time ago that if I deny myself certain foods I enjoy, I will end up binging, drowning myself in Catholic guilt, and saying f**k this. The hardest part is limiting myself to 1 serving of cookies, chocolate,pastries, soda pop, or whatever the "bad" food is.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    A. There are no crap foods.

    B. If I ate less than 800 calories a day I'd probably binge too

    C. How are you even typing?

    I agree with B and C totally, but A ... Well, if it's got artificial ingredients, then it is indeed a "crap food"; even if it's low in calories ...

    Example: Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt, crap .... Fage or Chobani Plain Yogurt 2%, not crap
    Lite Cool Whip, crap ... Real Homemade Whipped Cream, not crap
    Lcuky Charms (or most kid's cereals), crap ... Pizza from your local mom and pop type pizzeria, not crap
    Yoohoo (or chocolate drink that has no milk in it), crap ... Square of high quality dark chocolate, not crap
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    A. There are no crap foods.

    B. If I ate less than 800 calories a day I'd probably binge too

    C. How are you even typing?

    I agree with B and C totally, but A ... Well, if it's got artificial ingredients, then it is indeed a "crap food"; even if it's low in calories ...

    Example: Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt, crap .... Fage or Chobani Plain Yogurt 2%, not crap
    Lite Cool Whip, crap ... Real Homemade Whipped Cream, not crap
    Lcuky Charms (or most kid's cereals), crap ... Pizza from your local mom and pop type pizzeria, not crap
    Yoohoo (or chocolate drink that has no milk in it), crap ... Square of high quality dark chocolate, not crap

    Gonna have to agree to disagree. I'm literally eating pudding mixed with cool whip as we speak (Not lite cool whip tho. Full fat extra creamy.)
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    I get protein with protein shakes, protein bars, etc. I sometimes cook boneless/skinless chicken breasts in advance just to have on hand. I also like raw tuna steaks (sushi grade) - I cut them up and add a little sesame seed. Both are great with salads.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Maybe you are in some way have an addiction to them so if you could be really strong and stay off them for a few days you may find the craving lessens.......?

    Additionally you could put the money aside that you would spend on these foods and then treat yourself to something really nice instead...

    Make sure you are eating regularly too so that you don't get too hungry. You could maybe take weighed-out portions of nuts or other healthy foods to work to supplement your meals. Is it possible that boredom is driving you towards these foods? If so, find something else to do.

    Good luck xxx
  • LadyAsrai
    LadyAsrai Posts: 32 Member
    Try to find a low-calorie or healthier version of what you want. I don't like soda much, but there are lavender- and vanilla-flavoured sodas that I'm in love with, 60 calories per bottle and they help with sugar cravings. If you want something sweet, try eating some fruit like an orange that takes a long time to eat, or a fruit popsicle (80 or 90 calories, om nom nom) instead of ice cream. If you freeze dark chocolate, you can eat a square of it slowly and it helps with the sugar and chocolate cravings-- and it's good for you :3 If you want something salty, try miso broth. 30 calories for an instant packet and satisfies hunger and salt craving at the same time. Also, about your diary-- it's hard to look at the numbers sometimes, but literally every person here has likely had a day when they've eaten so much that they're ashamed to track it all, so you're not alone, and if anyone judges you for it, s/he's just insecure :P Also, if you don't think that salad fills you up, eat something else, or add some more food to it-- tofu is good for protein, plus it tastes good, or some rice (brown is more nutritious, but you can eat white if you prefer it). Don't restrict a lot and then binge, that's counter-productive. Just spread your calories throughout the day. Also, try eating more frequently-- having snacks in between meals keeps your metabolism going, and you'll eat more reasonably at mealtimes.
    Also, try drinking cold water, or tea-- has a flavor, but no calories, and it makes you quite full.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I know i should but everyone else is so good at eating right i feel bad. I guess i've got to have more will power and eat more good food to fill me up, Cheers guys. :)

    I think it's more you need to log everything you eat. At least do it so YOU know where you are at. This is YOUR food journal, not anyone else's. This is for you to be honest with yourself and encourage portion control, etc. If you aren't going to do that because you don't want to be judged....not sure how anyone, especially yourself, is going to help you figure out how much you are eating, etc. If you eat "crap" food fine. Start off slow by getting it around where your calorie goal is..then you can focus on macros, etc.

    And for food that's your able, use a food scale to weigh for more accuracy.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Stop bringing $$ to work.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    I totally understand not wanting to be judged. But if that fear is holding you back from reaching your goals, you've got to look to that before you can start worrying about how much you are eating. Log faithfully and fearlessly. It's a great learning tool. I eat junk food fairly often and I've learned portions are crucial. I few skittles are not going to hurt me or my goal at all, a whole package will set me back. I've found when I have a few skittles, it takes the edge off the craving and I can move on without feeling like I've screwed up.

    This is your life and your health. If someone looks at your diary and judges you, that's really their problem. Don't make it yours too!