Trying lose between 60-80 pounds

Help me reach my goal . Tell me what it is that you've don't to achieve your goals . When it comes to eating & exercising !


  • MaxineMarieM
    MaxineMarieM Posts: 50 Member
    I lost over 200 lbs. I did not exercise and I was on Weight Watchers. Best thing I can tell you is weigh your food. Don't do anything you wont keep doing for life. If you fall get back up again and don't beat yourself up. Losing weight isn't a race so take your time and learn how to eat within your calorie range.
  • kjdougherty81
    kjdougherty81 Posts: 1 Member
    I started my journey at the beginning of the year and hit a plateau at 20 lbs. I have had to make myself remember that it didn't come on overnight and it is not going to come off overnight. As Maxine stated about, watching what is being put into your body and the portions is a HUGE part of it.
  • havalynd
    havalynd Posts: 54 Member
    I've lost 40 lbs without adding 'exercise' to my regular routine, too. It's all about calories in and knowing your BMR (you can check it here on the site) and ensuring you have a deficit to keep burning away calories. Not going to lie, exercise will undoubtedly help but you can get it in different forms. I walk a lot, upward of an hour a day which to me doesn't feel like 'exercise' but it is definitely an activity I can do every day that helps burn calories. Walking through a mall counts as exercise, but so does a trip to the gym! Do what works with you and your lifestyle, but ultimately make sure you are taking care of your food options too.