HELP! My doctor just told me I'm a DM Type 2 now!



  • rawad
    rawad Posts: 8
    Hi Chris. I was diagnosed at Type 2 about 2 months after I started doing Weight Watchers in early 2009. On one level I wasn't surprised at the diagnosis - I was approaching 300 lbs (and I'm only 5'3") and both my parents have it as well. But on the other hand I was completely thrown for a loop. I had been feeling great that I had started on the path to taking control of my life and my health, and the diagnosis did NOT fit into my plans! Oh, and at the same time I was told hypertension and high cholesterol, just to make it more interesting. I was sad and angry. But pretty quickly I turned those feelings around, because I realized (with the help of family and friends) that unlike so many diseases, this is something I could eventually control.

    I've been on Glucophage (and assorted other meds for the other issues) for about a year and a half, and try (most of the time) to keep my carbs in check. Staying motivated is not always easy, but I told myslef very clearly that I will not give myself permission to mess this up. Some days and weeks are harder than others - and some are just fine. My losses are slow but I've made some serious changes to how I live my life. I went from being a total couch potato to now running 30 minutes 3 times a week. My numbers are in the healthy range now - but my doctor wants to keep me on the meds until my weight comes down more. That is a great motivator for me to keep going - knowing that one day I'll be off the meds!

    I've only recently found this site and decided that I would log my food here as well as on Weight Watchers because this will help me to keep my carbs in check. I have a fabulous support network, and that has made a huge difference! Get support here, from friends and family - wherever you can!!

    You can and will do this!