Accountability needed

I am attempting this journey to better myself and to ensure I can be around for my family. I struggle often and stress out even more. I can always use motivation and support. If you want send a friend request, I will be more than happy to have someone review my food journal and provide any feedback


  • nashycat901
    nashycat901 Posts: 9 Member
    You on Facebook?
  • bschiks
    bschiks Posts: 7 Member
    Add me, please?! It wiuld be great to be able to motivate each other.
  • dwanachapman
    dwanachapman Posts: 18 Member
    I"m in the same boat. I've been struggling forever and a day. I just recently started back up, and being a vegetarian, and watching carbs...grrrrr. Not easy, but you get creative. Add me if you want, I'm usually upbeat about the whole thing, and could use a nudge, okay a shove as well. :smiley:
  • rosey35
    rosey35 Posts: 150 Member
    You can all add me