Weight Fluctuations in Maintenance



  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I typically have had a 3-5 pound fluctuation I have been comfortable with. I remember experimenting one time to see how much weight I "lost" after going to the tinkletorium first thing in the morning. I "lost" over a pound just peeing! That is why I will weigh on the same time and day - once a week on Friday morning at the gym after the potty and before I drink my protein shake.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    For me official weigh day is on Friday my goal is 135 so anything between 133-137 is fine, on Mondays I could very well be close to 140 but I don't panic unless it stays high by WI day, if it does? Weight loss mode ASAP (unless is Tom or high carb/cal the day before)
  • foen_i
    foen_i Posts: 27 Member
    It essential for me to have strict weighing schedule to see my trends before I lose too much weight. Still I fluctuate about 2pds up and down.
    Currently I am 4pds down which means slight bulking time again. :)
    I can only add my voice to those who came before me: find your goal range. Not your goal weight.

    Especially when I do heavy cardio training, I see extremely large fluctuations. I attribute it to inaccuracys measuring how many calories actually got burned and need to be eaten back
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    For me, there is no solid, in stone weight "maintenance".
    I am either gaining or losing.
    I held steady my weight at various times in this journey, but it was always a fluctuating variable 5 pounds either way.
    Good Enough!
    And I can tell whether the number on the scale is bloat or creeping weight regain.
    I also take body measurements, so the scale is not my only tool to track progress...or regression...
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    The average is 1-3lbs in rither direction
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    You have to realize there are so many factors that affect your weight during the day your body weight can fluctuate anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds and as a woman it could be greater for you.

    I have access to scales at work and out of curiosity and as part of the learning process I weigh myself a couple times during the day. I don't do it every day depending on my mood I'll do it once or twice a week and I couldn't wait anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds more during the day depending on when I had my meal my bathroom needs excetera excetera excetera.

    Don't get fixated on the scales I weigh myself twice a week Monday morning and Friday morning. Monday morning I don't take it seriously because of the weekend but Friday is the real number for me that's the one I'm more concerned about
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    I "gained" 6 lbs in a week . It's impossible unless I've literally had an excess of 21,000 calories. I know it's partly PMS and partly from me getting into new muscle strengthening exercises (muscle water retention)
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    clee1898 wrote: »
    For those maintaining weight, how much does your weight fluctuate on a daily basis?
    Today I weighed 0.4 pounds heavier than yesterday.
    What's normal?

    I'm not sure what normal fluctuations are either, I seem to go up and down a few pounds I think that's why often people set there maint to a range I think mine is 121-123 lbhopefully no more or I know I'm gaining! I'm not very good at sticking to my maint cal goal though and often go over so have some days were I'm under to compensate still not sure on exact cal goal either to maintain x