Weighloss journey

Loosing weight is a long and tough process. Last year I joined a camp called the transformation center I lost 23.5 lbs within 2 months. It was difficult at first but i felt great I really gave it my all and saw results. Everything changed tho as my fiancee was promoted and offered a transfer to another state and I was just finishing up a semester in college. I had to stop going because at the time being the camp was only offered in California. I gained back my weight and I have been crying about it telling myself how did I let this happen. The truth is it will happen to you but learn from my mistake once you have lost the weight try your best to maintain it because you came a long way from your initial weight in. Today I can say i definitely feel the difference between my weight loss to gaining the weight back. Enough crying about it. I did it once I sure can do it again. NO MORE EXCUSES. Here I go again. I'm extremely positive and will see you soon with my transformation. Never give up, stay fit don't quit! is what we used to say at the transformation camp in Chino, California. This app definitely made it a lot easier for me during that time and it continues to do so =)