What is your favorite 10 minute workout

Hey everyone. Sometimes life gets to busy to hit a long workout session. So I am trying to get a list of everyone's favorite 10 minute workout! So now you can't use not having enough time, as an excuse to reach your goals.


  • Mcrow1212
    Mcrow1212 Posts: 6 Member
    My favorite 10 minute workout: 10 jump burpees, 15 v-ups, and 20 high knees. Do this over and over for 10 minutes with a 20 second rest after each set. hope you enjoy! It's rough
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I run to the local mcdonalds and grab a big Mac. takes about 10 minutes.
  • FredKing1
    FredKing1 Posts: 98 Member
    HIITs - any combo of 10 different exercises for 30 seconds hard with 30 seconds rest.
  • frontjab
    frontjab Posts: 12 Member
    edited August 2016
    Intervals are probably best as you guys say, but here's another one I enjoy (when it's over): a deck of cards workout. There are smartphone apps that make this easy, but the idea is you start with a deck of cards, assign an exercise to each suit, then turn them over one-by-one doing the number of reps of the exercise assigned to that suit. So, you might do something like this:

    Hearts - jumping jacks
    Diamonds - mountain climbers
    Spades - high knees
    Clubs - burpees

    If you turn up the 4 of hearts, you do 4 jumping jacks. If you turn up the 8 of spades, you do 8 high knees. Jacks are 11, Queens 12, Kings 13, and you can choose Aces as 1 or 14 depending on how much you want to kill yourself.

    It's different than intervals because it's sustained activity for 10 minutes, and if you need to take a few seconds to catch your breath then you do so. Depending on the exercises, it can take about 10 minutes, and you can change to easier or harder exercises to accommodate depending on your fitness level.

    It's fun to try to get through the deck faster than you did the last time. It's also more fun because you don't know what's coming next like a workout with structured sets and exercises. I have pulled three face cards of burpees in a row, though, and that kinda sucked some of the fun out of it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Climbing stairs. When my knee is feeling better (sprained it doing something else), I climb 30-40 flights a day 5 days a week and I do it on breaks at work. It only takes a few minutes at a time to do a few first thing in the morning, a few at morning tea, a few at lunch, and a few more at afternoon tea.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    frontjab wrote: »
    Intervals are probably best as you guys say, but here's another one I enjoy (when it's over): a deck of cards workout. There are smartphone apps that make this easy, but the idea is you start with a deck of cards, assign an exercise to each suit, then turn them over one-by-one doing the number of reps of the exercise assigned to that suit. So, you might do something like this:

    Hearts - jumping jacks
    Diamonds - mountain climbers
    Spades - high knees
    Clubs - burpees

    If you turn up the 4 of hearts, you do 4 jumping jacks. If you turn up the 8 of spades, you do 8 high knees. Jacks are 11, Queens 12, Kings 13, and you can choose Aces as 1 or 14 depending on how much you want to kill yourself.

    It's different than intervals because it's sustained activity for 10 minutes, and if you need to take a few seconds to catch your breath then you do so. Depending on the exercises, it can take about 10 minutes, and you can change to easier or harder exercises to accommodate depending on your fitness level.

    It's fun to try to get through the deck faster than you did the last time. It's also more fun because you don't know what's coming next like a workout with structured sets and exercises. I have pulled three face cards of burpees in a row, though, and that kinda sucked some of the fun out of it.

    I really like this! Heck, I might do this at the gym today. Thx for sharing this.