Georgia Mom losing it before I lose it!

I'm a mother of 3 now teenagers who have been my entire life and now can't stay far enough away from me. I started this journey about a month and a half ago with about 175lbs to lose. I've lost 30, but I am struggling. At this point I really need community support. :p


  • MissDeeDee2
    MissDeeDee2 Posts: 8 Member
    Great job on the 30 lbs. Freaking awesome
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    edited August 2016
    Go on the forums more often, that really helped me, either responding or creating new posts. Also reading health related articles/blogs keeps me motivated.

    It's very important to build a community for the lifestyle choices your making.
  • mommamia30189
    mommamia30189 Posts: 82 Member
    I am a Georgia Mom of three- 25,23, and 14. the two youngest live at home. I am struggling so hard to lose 20 more pounds. I have lost 20 already but this is ridiculous. I am stuck and cannot stop eating sugar!!!
  • morbdleobz
    morbdleobz Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a Georgia dad of two-5 & 6. I was at my heaviest (255) a couple of years ago and decided to try and drop some of the weight. I tried jogging, biking, and swimming in addition to logging my food/calorie intake with MFP. I've basically stopped jogging & biking but have really taken to swimming. I got down to 215, but after joining a masters swim workout group a few months ago I'm back up to 230. I'm swimming 4-5 x week for 50-60 min and sometimes sneak in a few miles on the treadmill. I eat a TON of food but no more than i was eating while I was losing weight so while I *think* my midsection is shrinking, my waist measurement hasn't changed and the number on the scale keeps going up...any thoughts/advice???