Okay, clearly something's not working. Help?



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't know. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses or dismissing everything y'all are saying out of hand. That's not my intention; y'all have been awesome. :smile: It's just very frustrating to know exactly what I want to do, what I need to do, and somehow be unable to do it. In order to find time to do all these other things, I have to give up other things I need and love to do. And maybe there's a way to get that done more ahead of time; I'm not sure. I just get to the end of the day and I have to get changed and stare at my body and hate that in the decade and a half I've been fighting this battle, I just keep losing.

    Please keep in mind that what I'm about to say is not judging or berating. The biggest factor in doing what we profess we want to do is really wanting it; wanting it more than we want almost anything else. If you want to lose weight and get into shape you will make it a priority and not feel like other things are more important. It doesn't sound like you are there yet, but you're close. The best thing you can do right now is to simply realize that fact and move on. We all have priorities and it's important to recognize what they are. Hopefully you'll soon reach that point when you'll decide that your health is more important than those other things and you'll be ready. You'll know that moment when it happens. If you ask anyone here they can very likely tell you the exact moment when that switch clicked for them. Until then stop beating yourself up.

    The things you are throwing up as excuses really are just excuses even if you don't think they are just yet.

    There are other flavors of protein bars. I eat one almost every morning for breakfast and I don't like the chocolate kind very much either. Atkins makes a great peanut butter granola bar, no chocolate at all. They also have a new line of bars called Lift and the salted caramel is good. PowerCrunch bars come in 6 flavors that aren't chocolate and they are wonderfully crisp and crunchy. I buy almost all of my protein bars at a Walmart Market store, no special shopping required. If you look around you can find a nice variety of bars that are high in protein, low in sugar and not chocolate.

    I live in Tucson, Arizona. If you think Richmond is hot you have another think coming! :smile: The morning temperature rarely drops below 80F from late May until late September and the highs are usually 100F+. I'm up at 5:45am so I can run 3 to 4 miles before work every other day. Yes, it's hot and yes, it's humid (rainy season!) but it's important enough to me that I get up and do it anyway. As has been pointed out several times already, exercise isn't necessary for weight loss so it's not an excuse. It sounds like you're getting enough walking in, anyway but if you enjoy ZR then make time for it. Exercise is a great mood enhancer.

    I honestly hope the switch flips for you soon.
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    I'm going to throw my $.02 in here.

    You can still eat at the places you like. You just have to maintain portion control. Here's an example:

    Let's say for the sake of the story, at McDonald's you like to order a double quarter pounder, large fry and a large coke. The total calories for this order is 1570. And that is just for one meal! Now, if you change it up, and instead order a regular cheeseburger, small fry, and drink water, you've decreased the calories by over 1000 (the total being 530 calories). You still satisfy that urge for McDonald's.

    I've lost 26 pounds in the last three months. I still go out to eat. I eat ice cream. I eat chips. I just make sure to portion everything and log it.

    You have to really want to make the changes. It's a battle. But you can win it. Make small adjustments every day. Just one thing helps. Also, drink LOTS of water. It is better for you and can help you feel full so you won't go crazy on snacks or feel like you need to stop at a drive through. Make small goals and have rewards for those goals - that way you have something to strive for (yes being healthy should be enough, but little rewards help with motivation).

    Hope this helps and I hope you find your motivation.