Intro-who else has hypothyroidism, especially after pregnancy?

1337AMR Posts: 5 Member
edited August 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I'm Ashley; I'm a 33 y/o mother of 1. newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism after my pregnancy. I haven't lost a single pound since my 2nd week postpartum and it has really been killing my self esteem. I had gained 30 lbs before my pregnancy and 45 with the pregnancy and only lost 15 of that. Just a little over 2 years ago I was about 155-160 and now I am 220 and holding. I admit that I am definitely fatigued from the hypothyroidism, but I'm lucky in the days that I can muster the energy (and time) to get in a little workout here and there. Hoping to find some motivation here and some hope that I can get back down to my original weight, despite having to overcome a sluggish metabolism due to my thyroid!


  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    hi bun, im also hypothyroid after having 2 girls. the drs put me on 25mg of levothyroxine. so far nothing.,. however im yet to go for my 6 week check up bloods. im now 16 stone after 4 weeks ago being only 15 stone :(