Describe a typical day in your life.



  • taniiagirl
    taniiagirl Posts: 47
    Wake up
    do either jogging or zumba
    shower & get dressed
    housework / shift t work
    come home
    see the other half
    zumba if at my mothers for the night

    Quite a straight forward routine
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member
    Work Days:

    Wake up- 2 pm
    Get dressed
    Brush hair?
    Prep 2 meals
    Drive to work- 2:30pm
    Work 3pm-10:30pm I'm a line cook. (eat, work, eat, work, clean)
    Pick up Slurpee/Snacks for the boyfriend
    Drive home
    Gym/shower- 1 or 2am until around 3am
    Bake something..cookies!
    Crawl up the stairs
    Brush teeth
    Fall asleep- usually between 5-7am

    ANNNND repeat. (Also throw in a few bathroom breaks and romantic business...)

    Non-work days:

    Same as above with out the work part. Maybe some random errands and a walk along the lagoon at sunset. You know, the stuff you should have done before work but was to lazy to wake up and do it.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Wake up.
    Take care of myself.
    Shower & take care of myself.
    Take care of myself
    Troll the webernets
    Go to work
    Troll my colleagues
    Go home
    Take care of myself
    Shower and take care of myself
    Go to bed
    Wake up
    Take care of myself.
    Go back to sleep
    Wake up
    Take care of myself
    Go back to sleep


    I didn't have to 'take care of myself' nearly as often before I got pregnant. Now I am incredibly 'hot and bothered' all of the time and sometimes wake up several times per night to 'take care of myself'. It's insane how 'frustrated' I've become since getting pregnant, but I hear it dies down in 2nd trimester so I am looking forward to that.

    Wait till you get older, gets worse!Not that that is bad though.
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    wake up 5:30am
    take 5 minutes to adjust to life
    make a coffee and sort out what i am wearing for the day, set up iron etc, (iron as i go rather than do it all at once)
    iron clothes, brush teeth, shower, get dressed
    leave note and any spare change i have for my son to do a few chores\jobs that need doing
    leave for work about 6:30-7am
    field based at work so generally spend most of my day driving around london listening to kiss fm and singing like a loony in the car
    get home and see how my boy is, decide what we are having for dinner and who is cooking,
    have dinner, nose on the net, recap on days emails to ensure i have'nt missed anything, bit of tv etc
    workout, 30-40 minutes generally,
    shower and get ready for bed,
    browse the net, relax, try and get some sleep

    groundhog day.....
    groundhog day.....
    groundhog day......
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member

    I didn't have to 'take care of myself' nearly as often before I got pregnant. Now I am incredibly 'hot and bothered' all of the time and sometimes wake up several times per night to 'take care of myself'. It's insane how 'frustrated' I've become since getting pregnant, but I hear it dies down in 2nd trimester so I am looking forward to that.

    It gets worse in the second trimester. Sorry.
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    Wake up
    Get dressed
    Sit some more
    Weight training

    Rinse and repeat.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    Wake up, breakfast, computer, lunch, nap, exercise, computer or tv,dinner, computer or tv bed:laugh:
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    Get up at 6:30
    Check email, catch up on Facebook
    Shower, dress, out the door for work by 7:30
    Work from 8-6
    Come home
    Sit on butt and relax for a while
    Summer time--mow lawn, go for a swim
    Cook dinner
    Eat dinner, usually around 7:30
    Clean up from dinner
    Watch TV and hang out on the computer
    Bed by 10:30 or 11:00

    I just joined a gym that is opening in a few weeks so I will have to find time to fit that in my day, probably right after work.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Wake up at 3:00 sometimes 3:30 then shower, shave, eat, etc.
    Go to the gym for 1.5 to 2 hours depending on what body part is being worked then shower and eat
    Work until I'm satisfied with what I've done that day usually I eat about 3-4 meals during this with about 2 litres of water.
    May or may not go the gym and do cardio then eat again.
    Go home do some reading, read the news briefly, eat.
    Write down my thoughts and synopsis of day then file it away.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Typical day...
    Wake up put on joggers, walk up nearby hill and watch the sun rise.
    Come home for a fruit smoothie (8am)
    Work at a cafe. Cycle there and back.
    Have a big fruit salad. (12pm)
    Study anatomy and work on art exhibition.
    Eat huge vegetable salad. (3pm)
    Either work at a restaurant, go to the gym/rockclimbing/swimming/etc, or stay home sit in front of the fire on my laptop.
    Then go to bed and stay up half the night feeling sad or worrying. And perhaps end up back on mfp as a distraction from troubles.. Like now LOL
  • BrklynTico
    BrklynTico Posts: 143
    I wake up

    Be awesome

    I go to sleep
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Wake up
    Feed Cats
    Eat breakfast
    Hang around on the internet while I eat and have coffee
    Work out
    Shower/get ready for plans I have that day
    Usually hang out on the computer until I go out
    Go out
    Come home
    Have dinner/relax.
    Go to bed.

    This will change when I start working at a camp tomorrow :smile:
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Wake up / go for a run (apart of waking up requires running).
    Take a shower and then go to work
    Eat and work
    Leave work and come home
    Kick boxing / stretching, pushups and sit ups for about half an hour.
    Sleep and repeat the following day :-)
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    Wake up
    Surf porn
  • healthyandfitgirl14
    healthyandfitgirl14 Posts: 413 Member
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Summer schedule is pretty laid back:

    -7am wake up and play online (CNN, email, local news and then mfp)
    -8 the kids wake up and I get breakfast going/do mom stuff
    -rest of the morning is playdates wih friends, farmers market, library, errands/appointments or doing something with my mil.
    -lunch time
    -tv time for kids, more online time for me
    -quiet/reading time for older kids, nap for younger kid, reading time for me
    -outside time for kids, cleaning/laundry for me
    -hubby home/supper
    -misc stuff with family
    -9pm kids in bed, running/walking for me, hubby's time to play online (candy crush lol)
    -feed all the pets, shower, in bed by 10:30
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    5:30 get up, pack for mp swim
    Wake up the kids. They bring blankets to the pool to sleep on the lounge chairs
    7 am swim is done
    Weight lifting or calesthenics
    Internet junkie time or errands
    Clean house
    Clean house
    Make dinner
    Internet junkie or nap
    Husband gets home
    Listen to "work rant"
    Eat dinner with family
    Down time
    Push-ups, squats
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Wake up around 9am
    Have breakfast, get dressed
    Tidy up
    Go to the gym
    Come home and have lunch
    Relax or study, one of the two
    Get ready for work
    Work 4.30pm - 9.30pm
    Go home
    Eat dessert
    Sleep anywhere from 11 - midnight