Hypothyroidism and weight loss

1337AMR Posts: 5 Member
I am new to the community, new to motherhood (as of 7 months ago) and new to Hypothyroidism. I just began taking Armour Thyroid at the beginning of this month and I'm looking to find a regimen that will work for me. I weigh 220 and I haven't been able to lose a single pound since week 2 after having my son. I am super frustrated and hoping to have some success here! Please feel free to add me if you can relate; feel free to share any stories of success as well! :)


  • afort001
    afort001 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh the same amount you do ! I will add you . I don't have a hypothyroid, but I do have PCOS , which affects my weight . I am a mother to two kids , ages 18 and 12
  • cimarrona27
    cimarrona27 Posts: 97 Member
    I have hypo. Something I learned is that iodine is key to thyroid function. Because of the trend toward sea salt and away from iodized table salt, most of us are iodine deficient. Find a way to get enough of it and keep taking you meds. It can be a VERY long process to fine tune the correct dosage. Don't give up!
  • Pterod
    Pterod Posts: 131 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too, so far I've lost 33lbs with 37lbs to go. It's doable but difficult. I have three children who are 8, 5 and 3. Good luck.
  • wiferichie1
    wiferichie1 Posts: 9 Member
    I have a finicky thyroid that tries to go hypo on me occasionally. The first time was actually postpartum caused (an actual thing!). I got it under control after a few months without medication (I was getting my levels tested every 3 months), but can recognize my personal symptoms whenever it starts to happen again, and I just redo my process. It's not super fun, but I go gluten free for a bit! I also take kelp powder in my shakeology along with a selenium supplement. I also take vitamin b, a, zinc, magnesium supplements. I phase out the supplements over about 2 months. I also take dandelion capsules for liver support during this process. I've had to do it 3 times in the last 5 years, and am currently on week 2 of doing this again. (I could tell my thyroid was acting up). I've lost 8 lbs in 10 days from going gluten free, taking these supplements for thyroid support, and working out 4/5 days a week. I suggest doing a lot of googling, to figure out what supplements you might be interested in, and talking to your doctor about adding them. Also, there is a lot of stuff supporting gluten free helping thyroid issues :)
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    I'm hypothyroid after having a baby as well!
  • Geeky_and_Cheeky
    Geeky_and_Cheeky Posts: 493 Member
    I have postpartum hypothyroidism. Started taking 137mcg levothyroxine, now am on 75mcg. I'm suppose to be back to normal by 2 years post partum. I don't eat GF but I have a friend with hyperthyroidism & that's helped her some. I've lost 35lbs since starting Levo in January & off my Zoloft!
  • x_xKarina
    x_xKarina Posts: 219 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism since I was 8.. Feel free to add me!!
  • sili1983
    sili1983 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I was diagnosed with hashi last year. After gaiming 10 kilos in a couple of months i started running 5/8k every morning and eating super healthy for 6 months. I had 0 energy and didn't lose a gram.. That's when I went to the doctor and got diagnosed (tsh around 70). Until my tsh/t3/t4 were balanced it was near impossible to lose weight (at that time i worked my butt off just not to gain weight).
    Good news - get your hormones balanced out (took 2 months for me, I'm on 100 euthyrox) and you will be able to lose weight. Another 6 months of exercise and I lost 7 kilo. I stopped running after 6 months cause i was 22 weeks preggo by then and couldn't take a step without needing to pee.

    Real low carb/sugar diet with exercise works for me.

    It sure is a struggle, and I do feel I have the metabolism of a panda bear.. Every carb I eat is a carb that sticks. But.. it can be done! You just have to figure out what works.for you.

    Good luck!
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