Do I keep going?



  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Would you feel comfortable sharing your height and current weight? And sorry to hear about that ruptured Achilles tendon - bummer.
  • SoUl_ReBeL2021
    SoUl_ReBeL2021 Posts: 120 Member
    Codeine will put weight on you any painkillers....
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited August 2016
    First and foremost focus on being healthy. Mind & body. See someone if possible about the bulimia.

    Beyond that, 1-2 pounds per week is a normal weight loss. That you've probably heard. But what you may not have heard is that with under 30 pounds to lose total, 2 per week is a bit unrealistic. Have you estimated your TDEE? A female that is 20-30 pounds overweight AND unable to exercise does not burn enough in a day to have a deficit for big weight loss.

    Last consider your alternatives. Give up and end up worse off as time goes by. Or keep going as you are, but with a little more focus on BEING healthy in terms of eating habits (and avoiding bulimic relapses) and gradually achieving the body you want.
    nop2008 wrote: »
    Morning everyone. Hope you're all doing well!
    I just wanted I throw this message out into the community before I decide to give up.
    I'm not going to go on and on so in a nutshell I have logged in for 55 days (go me!) but I've only lost 6lbs.
    Now I know some of you might say a loss is a loss but I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast. I have another 22lbs approx to lose so it's not like I'm struggling to get the last bit off.
    I am however (this is a big thing for me to say this) a recovering bulimic. I've had a slip o we the last 2 months where I did it on and off. Not enough to lose weight mind you but I wonder if I've messed my body up and it's has a knock on effect? I'm also on codeine for my Achilles tendonitis so I haven't been able to exercise but I've seen people lose weight without exercise.
    I got to my target weight 2 years ago with Slimming World but I don't want to have to do that again unless I have to. I like the freedom of MFP.
    Any advice/pearls of wisdom would be amazing right now xx
    Oh and I'm on 1430 cals a day, set to a pound a week loss and not very active (I have s desk job plus I can't exercise right now) x

  • kprimaverab
    kprimaverab Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on your loss. I am also a recovering bulimic (have had it for the past 8 years) and although I have lost weight while purging, I gained it back after I sought help from a loved one. The purging stopped but the bingeing didnt...I gained 70lbs.
    The best you can do is focus on your psychological issues as bulimia stems from some sort of psychological / mental pain...that's how Ive lost 16lbs now. Deal with the stress before the weight - your body holds on to weight if it feels stress / anxiety .
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Would you feel comfortable sharing your height and current weight? And sorry to hear about that ruptured Achilles tendon - bummer.

    Sure. I'm 5ft 8.5inches and I am currently 12 stone 10lbs x
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Codeine will put weight on you any painkillers....

    Do they really? I never realised that x
  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    First and foremost focus on being healthy. Mind & body. See someone if possible about the bulimia.

    Beyond that, 1-2 pounds per week is a normal weight loss. That you've probably heard. But what you may not have heard is that with under 30 pounds to lose total, 2 per week is a bit unrealistic. Have you estimated your TDEE? A female that is 20-30 pounds overweight AND unable to exercise does not burn enough in a day to have a deficit for big weight loss.

    Last consider your alternatives. Give up and end up worse off as time goes by. Or keep going as you are, but with a little more focus on BEING healthy in terms of eating habits (and avoiding bulimic relapses) and gradually achieving the body you want.
    nop2008 wrote: »
    Morning everyone. Hope you're all doing well!
    I just wanted I throw this message out into the community before I decide to give up.
    I'm not going to go on and on so in a nutshell I have logged in for 55 days (go me!) but I've only lost 6lbs.
    Now I know some of you might say a loss is a loss but I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast. I have another 22lbs approx to lose so it's not like I'm struggling to get the last bit off.
    I am however (this is a big thing for me to say this) a recovering bulimic. I've had a slip o we the last 2 months where I did it on and off. Not enough to lose weight mind you but I wonder if I've messed my body up and it's has a knock on effect? I'm also on codeine for my Achilles tendonitis so I haven't been able to exercise but I've seen people lose weight without exercise.
    I got to my target weight 2 years ago with Slimming World but I don't want to have to do that again unless I have to. I like the freedom of MFP.
    Any advice/pearls of wisdom would be amazing right now xx
    Oh and I'm on 1430 cals a day, set to a pound a week loss and not very active (I have s desk job plus I can't exercise right now) x
    Thank you xx

  • nop2008
    nop2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Congratulations on your loss. I am also a recovering bulimic (have had it for the past 8 years) and although I have lost weight while purging, I gained it back after I sought help from a loved one. The purging stopped but the bingeing didnt...I gained 70lbs.
    The best you can do is focus on your psychological issues as bulimia stems from some sort of psychological / mental pain...that's how Ive lost 16lbs now. Deal with the stress before the weight - your body holds on to weight if it feels stress / anxiety .

    Thank you so much for sharing that xx
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    edited August 2016
    Just some math: You're losing .75 pounds per week, and want to lose another 22 pounds. At your current rate, that will be about 30 weeks (7 months). Just think: by the first day of Spring (about March 20) you will have achieved your goal.

    I think that would be fantastic and a great way to start Spring and Summer!
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    Since you are losing .75 lb per week and your body is currently healing from an injury I would probably just stick with what your doing and slowly work up to exercising. If you keep eating the same as you are, once you add in exercise you should be able to lose 1-1.5 lb per week easily. In the meantime let your body heal and get comfortable with eating a consistent diet. In the end you should be able to lose all the weight in around 30 weeks if you maintain your current rate of loss.