Is she a doctor or "a doctor like Dr. Pepper's a doctor"?



  • Angelajeanmcmahan85
    Angelajeanmcmahan85 Posts: 23 Member
    You may need a Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor like I do. I take vitamins and other supplements and eat pretty healthy and still felt anxiety really badly. Went through a few trials w medications and zoloft has truly helped me. I know what a panic attack is like too well. But on this medication I really feel and live alot better
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    i have depression and anxiety and am very low in D (and i live in sunny san diego). when my levels are higher i do feel a bit better with my depression and anxiety. Its not magical but the little improvement is awesome. also just going outside and moving... getting sunshine fresh air and my blood pumping makes a huge difference. I also have crohns disease which makes absorbing nutritens almost impossible lol. Probiotics help with my stomach pain and bloating.. im not a dr but i personally think any good bacteria is good bacteria so i take them/eat feemented food

    edit- when my levels where an 8 i got perscriped 50,000 once a week. My levels at 20 i was given only 5k. (i actually never took the 50,000 because i was afraid it was too much haha)
    MARILYNENA Posts: 53 Member
    It seems alot of people with weight issues are lacking on vitamin D. Here's the vitamins I am taking Multi vitamin mineral supplement, D3, Fish Oil Capsules, COQ10, Vitamin E for my fatty liver...I pick them up at COSTCO and they cost less than 50 dlls for a years supply. I feel great. Good Luck!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    If i were in your shoes and experiencing "panic" level anxiety i wouldn't be faffing about with random supplements; i'd be getting real medication or finding the cause of said anxiety.

    Lifestyle modification should also include exercise, meditation, self soothing techniques, etc. Not just taking these supplements.

    In general, it's a good idea only to recommend these supplements based on medical necessity by means of a blood test. That being said, i know that vitamin d, fish oil, AND probiotics are on the list of "treatment" options for a whole slew of health issues ranging from anxiety, depression, to personality disorders.

    So, honestly? It sounds to me like she's offering the best she can with what you asked of her. Again, if i was you i would have said "YES, PLEASE give me an actual anti-anxiety medication".
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Cjmi427 wrote: »
    So, how would you go about fact checking what she's said?

    Read books, watch documentaries, consult experts in the field. These things are not "one size fits all." When it comes to nutrition there are a million different ways to think. There are a million "experts" and what works for one person fails for another. Get yourself educated. Try different ways of eating/supplementing. See how you respond to them.

    If you dont actually want to put in that time & effort, there's this awesome thing the Internet invented called "The Google." Thing is, you have to be smart and only pay attention to the sites that are reliable, intelligent & supported by knowledge/research. Ex: Mayo Clinic. I mean, Google is only slightly more horrifying than asking randos in an online forum anyway. You might actually stumble onto a reliable source through Google... maybe...

    Personally, if my doctor recommended I get on probiotics, eat whole foods, cut out sugar & take vitamin D, we'd be besties for life. Mostly because I have been interested in nutrition & alternative medicine (aka not solving all your problems with pills like in western meds) for most of my life & those recommendations line up with my knowledge & experience better than most of what my various doctors over the years have told me (we move often). Plus, I'm already doing most of that stuff...
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