Pre workout/post workout shake?

Do they help? Do you recommend them? Or is it just another gimmick?


  • Lizarking
    Lizarking Posts: 507 Member
    Well, according to supplement sellers, it's super important.

    Generally though, as long as you get adequate protein/nutrition during the day you're golden.

    Electrolytes intra/pre do help some.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Most people don't need them and/or get little actual benefit from them. The people I know who take a pre-workout who actually need and benefit from them are basically training because it's their livelihood to train...i.e. they are professional/semi-professional athletes. Most people don't need a pre-workout to go push and pull a little iron or run around on a treadmill. I do take a whey supplement post workout as a means to hit my protein targets and there is some evidence that consuming protein along with some carbs right after a good lift aids in faster recovery.