Struggling to lose 100lb, need motivation

Know MFP works back after logging off 6 month ago, and need serious motivation to lose 100lb by April for my 10th wedding anniversary. Regret my first decision already have lost 1lb since starting on 16/08/16 Already!!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    If you have 100 to lose and give yourself 10 months to do it, it's a tall order. Get started. Log your food. Weigh your food with a digital scale. Get some exercise. Drink some water. You will lose some weight.
  • slither666
    slither666 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2016
    I have 80 to lose, so I can somewhat understand your challenge. I have made the decision to do My Fit Foods. It may seem expensive, but you end up with no loss from leftovers, spices, etc. I find most of the dishes very tasty, and you don't have to repeat one you don't like. I also have not found a dish that wasn't already in myfitnesspal (you just use the phone app and scan the bar code)

    That is my 2 cents worth.
  • mmartinec931
    mmartinec931 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to drop by my page for any support you might need.