4 weeks pp not losing weight :(



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited August 2016
    The "I lost all of my weight by simply breastfeeding" is one of those BS things celebrity mums say when asked how they lost all of their baby weight..

    actually with my first child I did lose all the baby weight with breast feeding. the second one I lost half of it breastfeeding.I gained 40 lbs with both of them. my first child I lost most of the weight within that week(he had an extremely large placenta(was supposed to be a twin but it never formed) so that alone was more than 15lbs itself my belly looked deflated. I gained most of my weight after my kids got older. so some will lose it but some wont. But in this case milk supply and the baby needing proper nutrients is the most important thing right now(including healing for mom) not weight loss.
  • jenfitnessmama
    jenfitnessmama Posts: 138 Member
    Trust me hun, not everyone's weight melts off after baby. I gave birth vaginally nearly 2 years ago now and am still 20 lbs. heavier than my pre-baby weight and hoping to lose 40 lbs. They say it takes 9 months to put on the weight and at least 9 months to take it back off, and for some of us even longer. Be kind to yourself and focus on your sweet little babe while your body heals! Xoxo