Weigh every day or once a week?



  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Jeniccm wrote: »
    I weigh everyday and then log that into the happy scale app. It helps me see my trend and that downward graph is motivating

    Same. I only log my new lows in MFP but I weigh every day and log into Happy Scale.

    I do the same. I weigh myself at night before going to bed to get an idea of what the morning will be like. I only track my morning weight on Happy Scale. Any time I hit a new low, that's what I record to MFP.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    agassiott wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! Should I weigh myself every day or just once a week if I'm wanting to lose weight?

    How often you weigh yourself is irrelevant to you losing weight/wanting to lose weight. I personally weigh in daily but i also understand weight fluctuations and they don't bother me. A lot of people get all bent out of shape because they don't understand that body weight isn't static and fluctuates all over the place throughout the day and day to day.
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    edited August 2016
    I log all my weights every day into MFP. I've noticed it only publishes them when I've actually logged a loss. If my weight is stable, or goes up it doesn't publish it. But it's jolly useful to have all those data points so you can see trends.
    Here is a screenshot from a few weeks ago.
    (I thought newbies might like to see the fluctuations)