43lbs still to go..will i ever lose?



  • dustedwithsugar
    dustedwithsugar Posts: 179 Member
    Low calorie edits you are always hungry. high fat you never are and burn ketones not glucose. Obesity is caused by insulin resistance. Google Gary Taubes
    Calories are bogus science energy in energy out is foolish. Petter Attia endurance Athlete swam 6-7 miles a day. Ran and bicycled too. 40 pounds over weight discovered ketosis. Theeatingacademy.com
    Go on a fat fast it breaks stalls big time. obesity is only cured by Ketogentic edit for most. Carbs are the enemy moderate protein and high fat work. I exercise because it makes me fell better but it's not really needed.

    Stop writing s.hit