Starting tomorrow

For the millionth time! I've struggled with my weight since a teenager and I'm now 39. I currently weigh 27 stone 2 and the lowest I've been in the last ten years is around 19 stone. I remember being around 20 years old and weighing 15 stone and feeling great about myself (I'm tall at 5.11). The last year I've put on about 3 stone and I feel it everywhere. Sore feet, knees and legs. I know calories in v calories out works and I love all food so have no restrictions. I've bought some really good scales that I know are accurate just got to be careful not to get obsessed with daily weighing. Any tips or hints would be great. My danger time is after dinner or a few weeks in when I loose quite a lot and then fool myself I'm looking so much better and can afford more treats. My first goal is to loose 8 stone then eventually to get to under 14. Looking forward to getting to know you all and to finally realising my dream of being a healthy weight.


  • TravisGM92
    TravisGM92 Posts: 143 Member
    Sounds like you got a recipe for success :)

    One thing I might add; I learned a while back that when you calculate your daily caloric deficit (to lose weight), you come up with a number, say, 500 calories. That means you have to eat 500 calories less than your daily requirement, right? Not exactly... it means you need to eat/use 500 less. For example...

    IF you have a 500 caloric deficit, you can eat 250 calories less a day and burn 250 calories in your exercises! I didn't realize that you could split it like that. But be careful with calculating how many calories are burned in a specific exercise... people tend to over estimate.

    Anyways, good luck OP :)
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    Save some of your calories for an evening snack - log it and don't eat more than you have logged.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Echoing the poster that says save calories for an evening snack. I almost always have a snack or two before bed, I just save calories for them.
  • wenrob
    wenrob Posts: 125 Member
    I log my evening snack first thing in the morning so it's already accounted for. I also find pre logging my day very helpful. I can see where I might need to cut back or if I don't want to cut back do a little bit more walking to fit it in. As mentioned above, I do about a 50/50 split for my deficit. I use a Fitbit synced to MFP that I find fairly accurate. It's not needed but I find it to be a great tool.