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Max amount of soy per day?

pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
do you feel there is a limit on how much soy you should ingest daily? Both processed and unprocessed? Just soy in general. Since switching to a dairy free vegetarian, I find my diet higher in soy. Should you limit protein from soy or do you feel it won't hurt you? I am male, but this can be answered for both male and females as it may have a different effect on genders! Thanks guys!(:


  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Maybe someone can answer you. but you may be better off securing help from someone with health knowledge on your particular physical numbers, than from this site. Notice what the topics are mostly about here - meeting macros to either lose or gain weight, and having fun making statements about the person above you. Seek qualified help!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm not concerned about it, but I don't eat a huge amount of it. I enjoy tofu and tempeh and edamame and occasionally will consume some processed food with it (and I use soy sauce where I think it's appropriate). I eat a relatively low amount of packaged stuff with long lists of ingredients, so am not overly concerned that I might be eating lots of "hidden" soy.

    If I were eating more or were more inclined to be bothered about soy (as opposed to just generally disinclined to make anything too high a percentage of my diet), I'd probably start by trying to understand about how much they really eat in places like China and Japan and how traditional or long-standing that amount of consumption is, with the general assumption that that amount is unlikely to be harmful. Here's a place to start, although I'd obviously go to other sources as well and look at what she cites: http://www.theveganrd.com/2011/03/soyfoods-in-asia-how-much-do-people-really-eat.html