Binge Eating

Hi, I have been a binge eater all my life. I am 30 now. Couple years ago I finally got the motivation and lost 50lbs. Last year I lost my 9 year old son and the binge is back even worse then it was. I've gained pretty much everything back. So I'm starting back up. I get married in Oct and I'm alittle late but better later then never. Looking for friends for motivation and people that suffer from binge eating that can relate.


  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your son, of course the grief and stress could trigger that old habit. Most people turn to food when they suffer a loss or go through stress. I am not a binge eater… so I can't offer advice. I hope more respond to you and offer you some insight. I just know since you kicked the habit before, you will again. You have it inside of you do that. I wish you well.
  • tanksleyalicia
    tanksleyalicia Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss! I have not had a loss like you but I am a binge eater. I started to diet 2 days ago and it's the hardest thing I've done. I'm used to drinking 8 sodas a day and going through multiple bags of chips but I am determined to lose weight. I find when I am DYING to binge on anything I grab veggies like carrot sticks and eat those. I have a constant feeling like I'm starving but I've learned it's about portion control. With the way I ate for almost 16 years it's the hardest thing I've ever done. The only thing that I can see that I am lucky about it is that I had a really fast metabolism when I was younger so thankfully I only need to lose 15-20 lbs
  • greena
    greena Posts: 36 Member
    Please be easy on yourself - and give yourself tons of encouragement and credit as you work on controlling your binge eating for your health and future. I am a binge eater, I will eat very controlled and healthy and then something - I'm not always sure what - will trigger an episode. I am working now on making sure I get right back to healthy eating the next day - instead of a week later! My advice is, first and foremost, weigh, measure and track everything you eat; don't EVER eat standing up (unless you've set aside a few healthy veggies to eat while you cook dinner); drink plenty of water, especially before meals; and concentrate on how great you feel when you're in control of your eating. Try not to have any trigger foods in the house. Maybe start a jar and put money into it whenever you do something right, and then treat yourself to a pedicure, etc. Best of luck to you.
  • mollyannmfp
    mollyannmfp Posts: 7 Member
    I am a binge eater I can eat large amount of food in short time can be anything bread and butter cheese choclste if you want to add me maby we can help each other