Should I have lost more than 2lbs.



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I'm confused by your use of "kitten". The only kitten I know is a baby cat.


    *kitten* is the swear filter around here. If you put in a banned word, the site automatically replaces it with *kitten*. Usually if you quote the person you can see the original word.
    Now, some people just type *kitten* to get the point across that they are using an expletive without actually using one so not breaking rules.

    The developers fixed the issue of the banned word showing up when quoted a few months after this stupid, confusing filter was implemented.

    (The former filter was *****, which didn't cause any confusion.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    It's not that I don't care if I put the weight back on, it's a case of i'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    I need to see results so it will give me the incentive to carry on. I've lost weight the healthy way and the 'wrong' way in the past time and time again. This is the longest i've had an overweight period now and i've tried a few times to lose it the healthy way in the past year and it hasn't worked.

    I'm not deluded into thinking all I need to do is lose the weight and that will be it. The weight is a symptom of the binge eating... Meal replacement diets wont sort that problem out. But losing the weight will encourage me to start a healthy lifestyle.

    I tweaked my diet and upped my exercise and immediately felt better, which was all the motivation I needed.

    I realize it's frustrating to not see results immediately. You'll be happier checking results over months rather weeks.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm confused by your use of "kitten". The only kitten I know is a baby cat.


    *kitten* is the swear filter around here. If you put in a banned word, the site automatically replaces it with *kitten*. Usually if you quote the person you can see the original word.
    Now, some people just type *kitten* to get the point across that they are using an expletive without actually using one so not breaking rules.

    The developers fixed the issue of the banned word showing up when quoted a few months after this stupid, confusing filter was implemented.

    (The former filter was *****, which didn't cause any confusion.)

    OH I didn't realize that. Damn.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    It's not that I don't care if I put the weight back on, it's a case of i'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    I need to see results so it will give me the incentive to carry on. I've lost weight the healthy way and the 'wrong' way in the past time and time again. This is the longest i've had an overweight period now and i've tried a few times to lose it the healthy way in the past year and it hasn't worked.

    I'm not deluded into thinking all I need to do is lose the weight and that will be it. The weight is a symptom of the binge eating... Meal replacement diets wont sort that problem out. But losing the weight will encourage me to start a healthy lifestyle.

    Ok, I was just thinking not caring if you put the weight back on defeated the purpose of losing it in the first place.

    In my opinion, I think you'll have better long term success if you don't try to limit the foods you eat to all "healthy" since it seems to be causing binges of the "unhealthy" foods. I think it's great you track your binges tho so you know where you more or less, in a perfect numbers world, stand. :)

    But the binges don't seem to even be hindering any weight loss so you're worrying for nothing. :)