Skinny(Er) girl with a "fat mind"

I've lost 40 pounds, others notice and make positive comments however I still feel like the same "fat" girl. I thought I'd feel great after such a huge accomplishment, but I still feel disgusting. My BMI is 30 which is "obese" .. I just feel like I need to lose 20 more pounds but at the same time I wish I could just be happy.


  • bluelilac102
    bluelilac102 Posts: 79 Member

    Losing 40 pounds is a HUGE accomplishment. I think every time the words "fat girl" comes into your mind, you should get a sticky note or stare yourself down in the mirror that you lost the weight of a human leg (basically). I think we always need to be careful to make sure the weight loss doesn't determine WHO we are. It is a part of us, but losing weight will never change your mental state permanently; it's simply a temporary fix to a larger problem. You are successful and beautiful and again, congrats on the massive amount of weight loss! Beat those negative thoughts out of your head because you don't deserve 'em! :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Great work so far!

    What you are feeling is very common. It can take a long time for the mind to catch up with the body. It is also common for people losing weight to look in the mirror to see how far there is to go rather than how far they have come. I have been through this and still struggle with it. My best suggestion is to continue reminding yourself how far you've come and to set non-weight oriented goals. Walking or running a 5k, learning a new skill (e.g., going to yoga class), upping the weight you're lifting, etc. That kind of goal helps you to appreciate more what your body does for you.

    Best of luck. You're doing really well :)
  • kschramm7
    kschramm7 Posts: 72 Member
    Great job! I'm right there with you so I totally understand the "fat girl" thing. I've lost 80 lbs, and am at a healthy weight for the first time in my adult life. I've been on "maintenance" for 10 months now, and I STILL have to take a picture in the mirror and look at the picture to see myself healthy. I keep hoping my mind will catch up with my body soon, but it hasn't happened yet. When I was losing I made sure to take a picture of myself in a full length mirror every 10 pounds lost so I could compare and see how far I'd come (and what a HUGE difference 10 pounds makes!).
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    It's normal. I've lost about 55 and I still see myself at the higher weight. Even with my clothes falling off and fitting into slightly smaller ones I don't see a difference in the mirror. I take weekly pictures so I compare them often hoping that my brain will make the connection. Did you take photos to compare prior to weight loss?