All you lovely people motivated me this morning! :)

mnvicke Posts: 103 Member
edited August 2016 in Motivation and Support
I'm going to be honest and straight to the point: I HATE exercising. Really and truly. I don't think I will ever be one of the people who loves going for a morning jog, or is excited about going to the gym.

That being said, I also hate being overweight. My husband and I recently purchased a treadmill for our home. I used it very regularly, for about a month, and then took a break (due to a stress injury in my feet / ankles). That "break" has lasted for the last 4 months.......

This morning - day 2 of logging into MFP - I began by reading over some people's success stories and seeing some "before" and "after" photos. They all really struck a chord with me, and I went down and finally jumped back on the treadmill.

I walked just over a mile in 23 minutes. Not going to win any races at my speed, but I did it. And, what's even more - I had intended to stop at 1/2 a mile. But I got there, and thought - "just a little more." Then I got to 3/4 a mile and as my pedometer ticked on, I though "Well, I'm almost to a mile. It would be a shame to quit when I'm so close to a mile."

Obviously, I don't want to jump in too fast, both in terms of distance OR speed. That's how I ended up taking a "break" four months ago. I want this to be the beginning of a lifestyle change.

So, to sum up - thank you. Thank you to everyone who is on here, who has shared their stories, their struggles, their images, and their successes. You are making such a positive impact, not only for yourselves, but also for people in this community! :grin:


  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    Doesn't matter how fast your go, just that you finish the race! Great job.

    Friend me if you want, I'm posting my daily activity on my account.