Net question

There once was a word they called Net
Confusion to me yes you bet
While reading these posts
That get debated by most
I still do not get it just yet :/

I have been reading many posts about Net Calories as I can and still I am confused.
I guess I should have paid attention in that Math class. I never did well with Math and word problems. I really need a Net Calories for Dummies workbook.

Right now I am set at 1430 Calories for the day. I am aiming for at least 400 calories burned each day.
So 1430-400= 1030 . Is 1030 the net I should wind up or should I have 1430 net?
The last 6 days my net calories have been:
619, 812, 868, 911, 1161, 987, so if I should be getting 1430 I am way off.
I am 52 years old , 5'2” and CW is 258. I have been on here a month and have lost 15lbs so far. I started at 2 lbs a week but changed it to 1.5 this last week.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Your net should be 1430
  • alexandriaaymelek
    alexandriaaymelek Posts: 34 Member
    yes 1430 is net calories.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    1430 Net. Eat until the bottom number on your Food Diary page is 0. If you are in the "green" you still have that many calories to eat. If you are in the "red" you are that many calories over. (You've eaten too many.)

    The way it is represented on the Home page (the dashboard) makes it easy to see the Net. NET 1430.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited August 2016
    MFP is set up so that you can lose weight without exercise. When you do exercise you should be eating those calories, too, so that at the end of the day your net calories number equals your goal calories number or at least comes very close. Many people halve the amount of calories they burn in exercise and enter that number into MFP, just to be safe.

    P.S. Love the limerick!
  • pal274
    pal274 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, everyone.