Here and Back Again

I've been a myfitnesspal for some time now, but I've let the ball drop a couple of LONG times. This time I want to actually *try* to lose weight and keep it off.

I'm 228 lbs. and steadily increasing (well, thus far). I just don't want to hit that 236 lb. mark - that's where I was over a year ago, before I went to the gym and began losing weight. Got down to 215 lbs., but then my weight plateaued, I let my diet go back to old unhealthy patterns bit by bit, and I began to slowly climb the weight ladder. The increase has been steeper since I stopped doing personal training or even going to the gym. (I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to continue with a gym membership. I can't afford personal training anymore, and that was the principal thing that was motivating me to get my butt into the gym. I even came into the gym at 6:00 am for a brief period when my trainer asked me to, I was that dedicated).

I've had more luck with walking lately. I'm participating in the Global Corporate Challenge this summer, which gave me a handy pedometer to track my steps each day. My goal is 11,000 steps a day - so far I've had uneven success, but the summer weather has done much to encourage me to go out and walk more often and for longer distances than I'm used to. It's been wonderful fun taking the 45 min. walk home from work and going places I almost never go. The major downside is that the Achilles tendon in my right foot keeps getting sore and tight from all that walking. I'm going to have to go to the doctor and maybe get some physio for it - it's been bothering me ever since I stopped wearing my winter boots a few months ago.

I'd appreciate any help and advice. I don't know how I'm going to get down to 1,200 or 1,300 calories per day. :( Also, I'll need to start planning out my meals, which is a huge change for me.


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    well done for getting back to mfp, or getting to grips with calories. sitting tight through a plateau can take a lot of nerve to ride it out.

    your walking sounds a very good idea to me. The ankle could be a fallen arch, clue, your foot was happier in your winter boots. You could try using trainers for walking or trying an arch supporting insole, they should be available at a chemist.

    Try to keep relaxed. every day when I open up my food page there it is set at 1200. yesterday is history, and tomorrow it will be back at 1200. I'll borrow the mantra, one day at a time. You will win.

    all the best
  • mhassett
    mhassett Posts: 1 Member
    Good Luck! I love to walk. It clears my head in the morning and helps take of a few pounds slowly.
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    1,300 calories is quite do-able when you fill up on snacks of fruit and veggies, which are oh-so-low-cal. To spice it up, buy yogurt for dip for the fruit, and get tasty seasonings for delicious oven-roasted veggies. Also, you can find frozen fruits and veggies for cheap at the store. Also, gum is a life-saver because I find sometimes I eat when I'm bored and just want something tasty...gum usually takes the craving edge off.

    Either way, once you get into eating more healthy foods, you'll find you'll start craving it more, and the bad foods will stay as 'sometimes treats.' Good luck! :flowerforyou: