Advice on Belly Fat

Been stuggling with losing Belly Fat after my child was born.


  • SoxyKitten
    SoxyKitten Posts: 80 Member
    The only way to lose belly fat I'm afraid is to persevere with a healthy diet & calorie deficit.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    ^^ well said @SoxyKitten - that's the best and worst news of it. The best because it's as simple as that; the worst because it seems the fat in the areas we least-appreciate hangs on to the bitter end.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Its true you can't spot reduce fat but you can work on the muscles in that particular area. Look up some core exercises, it could help you change your shape but most importantly it should help you feel better :)
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    SoxyKitten wrote: »
    The only way to lose belly fat I'm afraid is to persevere with a healthy diet & calorie deficit.

    And it seems to be that the place you gained fat first is the last to go.