just started ab exercises and gained weight

ok I want to lose weight, but since I started doing ab exercises, I have gained nearly 2 lb. Doesn't sound much. Am I panicking too much, or should I eat less ? I am 6' 2" and weigh 15 stone 8. I want to get to 14 stone 7. Thanks for your advice, Ian.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,254 Member
    How recently? and are you sore? If you're really working the muscles, they will retain fluid for repair. It will pass.
  • Palain
    Palain Posts: 12 Member
    I have only been doing them a week. Only sore immediately after the exercise as not used to it. I am using the runtastic six pack abs app, on easy mode, as I needed a day by day guide to build up the exercise. However I still want to lose weight.